Episode 288 : Cheese on Cheese Violence

Part one of two. We talk cheese, and then Tony gives you a hilariously horrid movie to watch. Then some writing, and politics, and video games. Enjoy!

*denotes question was abridged

So what is your American take on the UK leaving the European Union (a.k.a. Brexit)?      –Anonymous

*Are there any video of phone games about peace, instead of war? –Sue Klaus


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5 Responses to Episode 288 : Cheese on Cheese Violence

  1. jas says:

    The title of the episode is leading me to punnish-ing behavior:

    “So what are we going to do about that guy from Philly?”
    “Schmear ‘im.”

    “And the Swiss operative?”
    “Drill ’em full of holes!”
    “Watch out for that guy from New York, though. He’s sharp, real sharp.”

    “Ah, to tell you the truth, the Cheeses ain’t even here. They’re all out. I was deliberately wasting your time.”
    “Well, I’m sorry; I’m going to have to shoot you.”
    “Right-O, Sir.”
    “What a senseless waste of human life.”

  2. Azuretalon says:

    I actually have an extensive collection of fantasy knives from just those types of catalogs, most of the money put into ones from designer Gil Hibben. I haven’t seen the movie or been able to find a picture of the knife, but I would almost put money down on it being a Gil Hibben, probably the Raptor since that seems to be the go too for a bunch of moviesnd


    Am I right?

  3. Azuretalon says:

    I actually have 3 of those. Normal hematite, silver special edition, and the Mortal Kombat edition; it was used by Reptile in the movie.

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