Episode 259 : Family Cloth

It was a relatively uneventful week for everyone involved, so we actually get a lot of questions answered this episode! But there’s still time for movies, and time travel, and some really disgusting hygiene trends. Enjoy!


Did you see The Martian? Thoughts on it? –Anonymous

Dear Hat, If you were given the option of space or time travel, which would you choose? The option of where and when you were going would not be yours. –neuroduck

Hat and hatters, Did you miss me? –Azuretalon

Describe a household with goats in pajamas and min pigs in pajamas. –Cawfee


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7 Responses to Episode 259 : Family Cloth

  1. jas says:

    I could have sworn that Will mentioned that he watched the Martian a couple of weeks ago and wasn’t that thrilled by it. I thought I remembered ’cause I had just seen the movie too.

    I listened to the book on tape, and it was very good and got me excited to see the movie. I pretty much agreed with what Will was saying about the movie. The book was much better. It also had that ensemble feel in that it went back and forth between Mars and Earth, so there might be several chapters where you following what people on Earth were doing. It had an overall feeling of people being united around the world to accomplish rescuing this one man.

    Sound quality–got to turn Tony a bit down now and Will back up.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      I wondered if that would happen.

      Yeah, in addition to volume, there’s a little thing called “gain” that was out of whack. It’s possible that’s the only reason I’ve been quieter than him for so long. Though the cutting out was definitely a thing with the old mic.

  2. Stuart says:

    The whole family cloth discussions elicited an unexpected belly laugh. People are going to wonder what’s funny about my job.

  3. jas says:

    Tony reminded me that I had wanted to watch “Do I Sound Gay?” I thought it was good–not quite what I was expecting just as Tony was saying. I thought the fact that “gay-voice” can mean “not powerful or confident sounding” (primarily coming up at the end of sentences and that bit of a sing-song up an down quality) and that this is something which reads as “feminine.” Otherwise, I was left wanting to know a bit more about where it comes from.

  4. Mark says:

    I’m thinking that joke is the trash you deserve.

    Can I get this podcast in extended, chocolate covered, cherry flavored, japanese overdubbed with german subtitles, dubstep remixed?

    The Martian, Gravity, and Interstellar: Other than having something to do with space, none of them were similar.

    I wish getting technical things right in a movie wasn’t a big deal, but unfortunately it is still rare enough that its worth calling out when a movie gets these things right.

    Family Cloth/Man of the Cloth: *shudder* Thank you Producer & William for putting images in my head that will never go away.

    For more on my thoughts about the Martian, see my comments back under Episode 257 : Fetus Bubbles.

    Random Space or Time Travel: Using Tony’s criteria, I’d still go with Space.

    Feng Shui: I have played it and the system shows its age poorly.

    Goats & mini-pigs in pajamas: Boisterous. Also, all lifeforms with legs on the surface of a planet stand on top of “things”.

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