Episode 247 : What is this show about?

We forgot to explain the show this time. Hopefully you can remember. Or whatever. Catching up on Thanksgiving, which neither of us actually got to celebrate, and then William talks Fallout 4 and Tony talks about terrible horror movies. And we introduce you to an awesome YouTube channel! Enjoy!


What was the last movie you saw that you enjoyed but don’t feel the need to ever see again? –Anonymous



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7 Responses to Episode 247 : What is this show about?

  1. jas says:

    Talking about videogames reminded me that I think Tony mentioned on another episode that he used to play WOW? I’ve been meaning to ask on what realm, faction, etc. I used to play regularly on Khadgar as a human warlock. Was playing again recently as a Worgen Werewolf (said in my head in Checkov’s voice).

    I did not have the same take on Inside Out that William did–at least as far as gender binary problems or seeing it as a throwback to the 50s. I wasn’t sure if it made a great kids movie–thought the content a bit heavy for young kids. Useful movie about depression though.

    Into the Badlands was unfortunately bad enough to me that I stopped watching after about 15 minutes–at the point where I was talking to the TV and saying–apparently none of these guys has ever seen either a Western or a Samurai movie.

    Book of Life I just happened upon on TV one day and pretty much agree with Tony’s review, except I never get the criticism that both of you have against Joss Whedon. I wouldn’t say his shows are free of sexism, but then I don’t think it’s possible to be free of sexism if you grew up in this culture. To me, there’s enough in his shows (that I’ve seen anyway–I never did watch Dollhouse) that give you the tools to undercut the sexism that’s in them (if that makes sense).

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      I don’t recall the server I was on, but it was an RP server, and the guild was a Horde guild called Alia Iacta Est. It was the second largest WoW guild in the world, at the time, with about 3000 members. That’s largely because it was a fan guild for The Instance, a WoW podcast I used to listen to.

      To me, Joss Wheadon is feminist. But he’s feminist in the same way that movies like The Help are anti-racist. Technically true, but also problematic in a bunch of other ways.

      • jas says:

        Cool guild name. 🙂 Mostly now I play Hearthstone, though I may go back a bit during Winter Break.

        I think I’m both more critical of movies like “The Help” and less of Whedon. So I may be misjudging ’cause I didn’t see it, but that kind of movie (“Dancing with Wolves” always seems the paradigm to m) seems like it is racist, while pretending not to be–racist because it supports the idea that white people are superior even in the fight against racism. I don’t think Whedon promotes the idea that men are superior feminists. What sometimes happens in his shows (I think) is that he uses genres that have sexist baggage and he’ll do something that seemingly undercuts that baggage, but fails. He puts a bit too much faith in the power of inverting expectations, or making something postmodern, or using satire, or whatever.

        • themagicaltalkinghat says:

          You might have a point there. I think I get a little defensie against Whedon in these contexts because so many people laud him so openly as this super-progressive feminist, which I don’t think is accurate.

          Maybe that’s it! Maybe the real life narrative of how people treat Joss Whedon as so powerful an anti-sexist, reminds me of Dances With Wolves. 🙂

  2. jas says:

    Shamelessly going to promo a collection that a friend of mine has a story in–in case anyone’s looking for new sci-fi/fantasy/warrior women type stories:


  3. Mark says:

    If there’s always a new name over the weekend; can we see a list of some of the alternate names?

    No, I won’t complain about 300 but if you don’t do anything special for 365 then I mighty get upset. 😉

    Fallout 4 Crafting: It only vaguely ties into the main story lines. It does help keep one of the companions from off your back.

    Fallout 4 Factions: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; all the damn factions suck.

    Fallout 4 Main Storyline: Agreed and looking forward to hearing how you find the end resolution of the storyline.

    Fallout 4 Morality: Also agreed.

    Fallout 4 Sexism: HA! My initial playthrough I did as a guy. I’ve started a second playthrough as a woman and I can’t say I’ve even noticed any sexist comments so far. But then sometimes that sort of thing just rolls right off me.

    Fallout 4 Names: Yeah, I liked that touch to the game.

    Video Game Character Genders: I tend to switch back and forth between playing men vs. women. Though if the game is more first-person then I tend to men; while if it’s more 3rd person, then I tend to play women.

    Twin Peaks: Yup.

    Sleeping for 5 days: Wow, that sounds nice.

    12 movies: Wow that sounds awful, especially the one movie you talked about at length. When you say you didn’t rate any of them well; is there a particular place you rate movies online? Potentially a place other people could go look at?

    Just Between Us: Not heard of this before and you didn’t provide a link to the channel, would this be the correct one, Just Between Us?

    Morning routine: For me this is toss up between looking at Reddit or reading by RSS feeds.

    While I might go check out Just Between Us; I’ll always come back to listening to TMTH (how quickly, if ever, I get caught up… is another matter entirely).

    Movie’s you liked but don’t want to see again: Tony’s got the right idea here with Schindler’s List.

    Pixar Movies: A proper Pixar film should be surprising and tug on your heartstrings (i.e. UP).

    Book of Life: Yup, that’s a beautiful movie. I remember it well because my wife saw it with some friends when I wasn’t around and then later assumed I’d seen it too.

    Me: Yup, definitely a tarnished hard hat at this point. *sigh*

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