Episode 175 : Buying Crack at Toys R Us

I think we fixed the sound issues this week. Let us know how it sounds to you. We talk Batman this episode, because of course we do. And toys. And, among other harrowing tales, we learn that William was actually a really, really dumb kid. Enjoy!


Dear Dissonant and Confused Forced Voices of The Magical Talking Hat, What is the stupidest thing you have ever done? — Azuretalon!!!



Resting Bitch Face


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12 Responses to Episode 175 : Buying Crack at Toys R Us

    • William says:

      Which reminds me, I wish I’d mentioned that most of the toys we did have when I was a kid were Fisher Price and they were excellent. Let me see if I can remember all the play-sets we had (because we also had the Fisher Price record player and camera and all of that, but I’m specifically trying to remember the Little People Play-set stuff)…

      Farm (of course)
      Circus Train
      Parking Ramp/Service Center
      Music Box Ferris Wheel

      … and I think that’s it.

      There were a few houses — an A-frame and a Colonial and… a Tudor style, I think? — that we didn’t have. And there was a Camper that I don’t recall us having.

      The Little People were much smaller than they make them now, and their bodies were painted wood. I can’t believe they made them like that for so long since they were clearly a choking hazard.

      I remember when Weebles came out, some of their play-sets just seemed to be Fisher Price set rip-offs. Except that the Weebles had a haunted house and I thought that was soooooo cool. We never got Weebles, though.

  1. jas says:

    You know you guys gave enough of a description that I was kinda guessing it was Fisher Price. 🙂

  2. jas says:

    The Fisher Price Sherwood Forest and Pirate Ship are both awesome.

  3. Beth says:

    William, in high school I wrote a research paper about Sesame Street. May have done one in college too. Also have written papers at the collegiate level about the kitchen sink and a separate paper about the art of schmoozing.

  4. Craig says:

    Catching up on back episodes I just have to say I totally didn’t expect a story like the firework one, that’s the sort of thing I’d have more expected from Tony.

  5. Mark says:

    Monty Python quotes need no context!

    Tony/William prior week’s description: Or we catch up much later and listen all at once.

    Briar Rose Project: Thanks for the update, I’d been wondering how that was going. Maybe if something like this happens again, you could just say to the Briar Rose group the same sort of thing you just told the podcast?

    Weight Watchers: A good friend of mine already does that and whenever she sticks to it; it works.

    Two Musketeers: RPGing in my town, just blocks from my and no invite? This is your revenge for being so far behind in listening to the podcast, isn’t it. 🙁

    Bat Cave: I like the Lego version better.

    Azuretalon joke: Yes, you did it last episode.

    Lawn Kid: You lawn kid does gutter cleaning? Dang man, that’s (potentially, depending on price) a sweet deal!

    F’ing Little Pyro: Cripes Tony, you sounded like a valley girl when you said this.

    Dumbest thing you’ve ever done: Initially I was rather amazed that neither of your first reactions was this podcast; but upon hearing the things that you did, I’m amazed that either one of you lived to reach adulthood.

    Locking keys in car until running: With older cars, this is surprisingly easy to do. I actually did this myself once during a winter, back when we all worked together.

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