Episode 67 : Hat Next

Okay, I just listened to this one again, and I’m still not sure what happened in this episode. We talk a little more about roller derby, Azuretalon writes too many questions, and we end with Tony trying to explain to William why there are multiple editions to roleplaying games.


Speaking of which, the Hat’s fifth edition is coming out. We’re calling it Hat Next. It’s awesome, but you’re going to have to buy the core books all over again.



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Episode 66 : Snow White and the Huge Spoilers

Tonight’s episode is basically two things. First, we talk Wonder Woman. They we talk Snow White and the Huntsman. Which Tony spoils. A lot. Which, to be fair, it’s a pretty bad movie, so don’t worry. But if you’re scared of spoilers for Snow White and the Huntsman, pay attention to when Tony says there will be spoilers. Then basically stop listening to the rest of the episode.




William started a petition!

Also, along the same lines, here is a very amusing and kind of sad website.



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Episode 65 : Sports Night!

We talk sports. Well, sport. One in particular. But we talk about it a lot. It’s awesome.


We also discuss some pretty serious feminist issues. Some tied to sports. Some not.


Also, a lot of stupid stuff.

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Episode 64 : The REAL episode 63

Alright, here’s actual Episode 63, brought to you via Episode 64.  We’re not that professional, so sue us.

If you want to know what this episode is about, look at last week’s explanation. This time, it actually applies.


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Episode 63 : Chickens and Cars

Back to the proper dimension, Tony and William discuss Tony’s absence, picky eaters, and dream rides. And we answer the ages-old question, “How does a vegetarian prepare a chicken dinner?”

We recorded two episodes tonight, and this was the first, so that’s really all I can remember. Enjoy!

UPDATE: Okay, so apparently, this was the file for Episode 64. Rather than change it, and have some people with one, some people with another, I’m just gonna say “Oops!” and “Stay tuned next week for Episode 64, which is actually Episode 63!”




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Episode 62: Mystery Episode 3

Alternate Universe Tony and Alternate Universe William have prepared this podcast just for you!  Like Schrödinger’s Roomba, this episode both sucks AND doesn’t suck at the same time until you activate it, at which moment the wave-function will collapse into a single manifested reality relative to your limited 3.5 dimensional perspective.  Of course, from a 4 dimensional perspective, an alternate version of you will experience the program in the opposite manner — that is, there will be two versions of you, one listening to an excellent program and the other listening to a sucky program.  So if you happen to get the sucky one, just take comfort in knowing that an alternate version of YOU is benefitting from your foul luck!  Everybody wins!

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Episode 61 : Melty-Face

We discuss the nature of William, tonight. He not a Nazi, and you’ll find out why. Also, we BOTH saw the Avengers, so of course, we talk about all the action movie stars that came before. And then, Tony yells at Azuretalon.



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Episode 60 : The Ice Head Cometh

Sixty! Sixty? Yes, sixty! We are old!

Tonight we discuss fine dining, poor cinema, and classic television. Also, more dining, but less fine. And a desert island question… because you knew we had to have one eventually!



Play this, and follow your dreams!

Also, if you live in the Iowa City area, eat here, and here.



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Episode 59 : Big Futon

We go hunting for Squatch! And come to no useful conclusion about movies! Also, more conspiracy theories! Seriously, what more do you people want?



Nothing, but I really like this song.



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Episode 58 : William can’t build a railroad..

William, once again, needs to be told that people are stupid. Because he’s William. Also, a lot of Star Trek. Oh, and did I mention that Ezzie tries to climb into the Hat. Multiple times. The universe might be ending.



Nothing. But go get Google Earth. It’s awesome.



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