Episode 87 : The Chicken Prince

Much discussion tonight, folks. And a lot of it veering somewhat far afield of the questions we’re asked. But still, we cover superheroes, vision impairment, and then talk about sex. For a long, long time.

In fact, this is probably the longest episode we’ve had to date. And after we finished, we kept talking for about a half hour! But we didn’t record that, so you’ll have to imagine that part.


Dear TMTH, In a fight to the death between the Avengers and the X-men who wins? –Mark McKibben

Dear The Magical Talking Hat: Glasses, contacts, or Lasik? –Kiya B.

What is the best way to deal with insomnia? –Craig

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Episode 86 : Five Hour Evil

It’s a night of evil, meat, and Welsh. Sadly, no evil Welsh meat. But still, enjoy it for what it is.



Magical Talking Hat Podcast, What do you call male ballerinas? Azuretalon

Dear vocal extensions of the Magical Talking Hat, What exactly is Spam? The meatish thing! Azuretalon

Dear TMTH, Can you pronounce the longest place name in the UK, Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch? Craig

Dear TMTH, If you were an evil mastermind what would your outrageously over the top secret base be? Craig

Speaking of evil secret bases….


Posted in Episode | 35 Comments

Episode 85 : Schrodinger’s Episode

In tonight’s episode, Tony might be a LITTLE bit drinky. And William is VERY serious. So it’s hilarious. And deep. And thought-provoking. And pointless. Pretty much the usual.



Define “the powers that be.” — Bloodsparrow

Dear TMTH, Excluding flight and invisibility what superpowers would you most want to have? –Mark McKibben

Chili… Beans or no beans? — Anon

Dear The Magical Talking Hat, Discuss conventional vs. naturopathic medinice. — Kiya B.

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Episode 84 : It’s Not Easy Being Green

We’re all about the environment in this episode! Carbon foot-things, repsychos, and other important ecological terms! Also, we talk about other things, including several movies. You love movies, right? No? Well, then… the environment thing.

Also, we take the lights down low and get a little serious about our relationship, near the end. Don’t worry, it all works out…

And once again, we crowd-source some stuff to you all. It’s about the podcast, so we need some input. Speak up!


This is what William got to discover just before the episode began.

And this is what the last question was about.

Posted in Episode | 14 Comments

Episode 83 : Love and Marriage

William and Tony get serious about love, relationships, and how to find that special someone. We also have a big announcement about two of the podcast hosts! You don’t want to miss it!


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Episode 82 : Something something

I’ll be honest… I’m not feeling great, and I’m exhausted. And we did a double episode tonight. So I can’t really remember what this first one was about.


But, by definition, it’s awesome. So check it out. You know you’re gonna.

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Episode 81 : Pahrahde

We’re recording on location this week! Coming to you all the way from… next door. And now, with extra background noise! You’ll love it!

You also might say that, during this episode, we’re coming down like cat and dogs…. ?

And here’s the awesome video again!


UPDATE: There was a problem with the episode file. It’s all fixed now.

Posted in Episode | 18 Comments

Episode 80 : Grumpy Old Men

Tony and William complain about young people! Then the Producer gets involved, for a discussion of “hot vs. crazy. And we hear about William’s upbringing in the small town of Mayberry… I mean, Melcher Dallas.

Then William explains how sad his life is, and Tony laughs until he pukes.


Good times… good times…



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Episode 79 : Magical Talking Cat?

William reveals an important truth about Ezzie. Also, board games! Then, a deep discussion on the nature of fear. And we kiss listener butt like it’s going out of style!

Don’t worry, there’s also a good bit of storytelling in the form of Tony’s Dresden Files Game!



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Episode 78 : A Lazy Hedonist…

Doctor Will (see what I did there?) analyzes Tony.  Then we crap on TV. And a little bit on zombies. Okay, slightly more than a little bit on zombies. And emoticons. And something more, I think, but it’s all lost. No caffeine and no pop make Tony something something…



This is William’s film that we mentioned.


And here’s his film that Tony is in!


Posted in Episode | 15 Comments