Episode 97: Some talk about something

Heya hatlings!  Producer here.  Tony’s got a bad case of the man flu or some such, so I’m posting the episode on his behalf.  Unfortunately I can’t tell you what this episode is about or what questions are covered, but I’m sure it is of the same high quality that you’ve come to expect.

If I’ve mucked up something important, I’m sure Tony will fix it in the morning.  In the meantime, here’s your episode!



Thanks so much to the Producer for picking up what I dropped!

And thanks to Mark for giving us the question list:

Questions from this episode include:

Anon asks: “Do you foresee a time when currency is no longer requried, ala Star Trek?”

Kiya B asks: “Dear The Magical Talking Hat, is it better to be too warm or too cold?”

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Episode 96 : Mystery Episode 7

It’s amazing, the other-dimensional powers of the Hat. Anyway, we had a recording conflict, so we borrowed this episode from the guys with the goatees.


Also, the guys with the goatees don’t write down the questions. Because they’re evil. Sorry.

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Episode 95 : The Hat of Versailles

This may be the longest episode every, Hatlings. And it gets pretty intense in places. We discuss some video games, yes, but also SEVERAL films. And then we get into a very serious discussion about… well… stuff. The internet, and then emotions, and then.. just stuff.


Also, a Christmas present!



Dear Hatlets, President calls you to head a committee to end crappy enteretainment, foster good entertainment. Where do you start? * — Sir Guido

* = question was abridged


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Episode 94 : Holiday Hatstravaganza!

It’s the final episode of 2012! We reminisce on the lack of apocalypse, and discuss all the cool swag Tony got for the holidays. Also, some questions from the Hat.

Happy New Year, Hatlings!



Dear Hatlets, Doctor Who or Torchwood? — Sir Guido

What question would you most like to ask the listeners? — Anon


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Episode 93 : RELAX!!!

So this is the final episode. The final episode of everything, because the world ends tomorrow. We talk about that quite a bit. Also, a fascinating (and angry) story from the Producer about yoga!

Questions : I lost them. There were three. The first was from Mark, asking about the source of Tony’s “the only podcast…” bit. The second was from Craig (I think), asking about cybernetic implants. And the final question (ever?) was from Sir Guido, doing a compare/contrast of TV and movies.


Alternate title : The Producer, who originally came up with the episode title, later put her weight behind calling it “Happy Chrismageddonkwanzucah!” or something similar, but was outvoted. By me.



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Episode 92 : Apocalypse Club

First rule of Apocalypse Club… don’t talk about the Apocalypse! So we won’t. We’ll save it for next week.

This week is a lot about video games (sorry, to those who hate that), and about character archetypes, and why we like what we like.

Oh! And we predict the winner in the 2012 Presidential election!


(* indicates an abridged/digested question)

Oh great hat of hats, who will win the 2012 presidential election, and why? –Anon

When you play an RPG or Video Game, what kind of character do you play? (e.g. Fighter, Mage, Stealth, Social, High tech, etc). — Bloodsparrow


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Episode 91 : Mystery Episode 6

It’s spooky and strange. It comes from where we know not. Or not where we know? Something like that.

Anyway, it’s a mystery episode. We don’t understand, and soon, neither will you. Enjoy!



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Episode 90 : Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma

Tonight we have a very special episode, with a very special guest. This is a great one, people. Don’t miss out.



*What do you do with people that disagree with you? –Kindal

What do you find beautiful or attractive in a woman? (not limited to physical traits, but could be anything about her, of course) –Ezzie

*indicates an abridged/digested question

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Episode 89 : Thanksgiving 2 – Pizza and Failure

Happy turkey-related celebration, children! This week, we (understandably) talk a lot about food. And (weirdly) a little about exercise. Also, failure. Our failure, your failure, the failure of the whole damned system! Happy Thanksgiving.

And, to those international listeners, Happy Episode 89!


Dear The Magical Talking Hat, If you could eat pizza anywhere in the world, what kind of pizza would it be, and where would you eat it? — Kiya B.

How much do you learn from failing? — Brenda Leigh


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Episode 88 : Saint Tonysburg

Today, we found a new country. One largely based on recreational drugs. And herbs. We also get deeply philosophical about our relationship with the listeners. There’s probably some other stuff, but we recorded two episodes tonight, so I’m not sure which was from which. Just listen, you’ll see.



Dear TMTH, European or African swallow? — Mark McKibben

What question would you most like to ask the listeners? — Craig

Dear The Magical Talking Hat, Herbs: Fresh or dried? — Kiya B.


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