Episode 106 : Alan Alda is Magic

We get into some talk about art, tonight. Specifically, acting. More specifically, TV shows. Most specifically, House of Cards on Netflix. But it’s still pretty interesting and insightful, dammit! Then we have a sort of British theme, partially due to a questioner, and partially due to a question. Enjoy!


Are we nearly there yet? — Craig

When Queen Elisabeth II passes, will the entire Commonwealth reissue its currency? — Anonymous


Nothing really, but this is what Tony was watching right before the taping.

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Episode 105 : A Craving for some FC

This is a Universe Prime episode! The original William and Tony, yay! Which means we have a lot to catch up on. What malady has Tony been struck with this time? What stuff has William been doing, if anything, ever? What TV shows are they both watching AND not watching? All this and more! Not much more, but still. Enjoy!


Magical Talking Hat Podcast, If K.F.C. stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken, why do they play Sweet Home Alabama on the commercials? — Azuretalon

What is your favorite song to eat by? — Bloodsparrow


Here’s the links to the two part episode of TableTop that we discuss in the episode.

Part 1

Part 2



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Episode 104 : Mystery Episode 9

Tony hurt his back today. It’s still in spasms, so he can’t sit upright in a chair to record tonight. So, in a surprising twist, we’re posting an alternate dimension episode just two weeks after the last one! So…. sorry…. and enjoy!



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Episode 103 : Wedding Crashers

We’ve got a lot to catch up on this week, folks. William discusses his new script, and we reach out to the listener community for support. Then, it’s on to weddings, as we have our very own Bridal Hatstravaganza of all things wedding-ish. Enjoy!



Dear The Magical Talking and its listeners, What do you remember most about weddings you have attended? Why? — Beth



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Episode 102 : Mystery Episode 8

Due to inclement weather, we’re unable to record a new episode. But we found one of those other-dimensional episodes! And the weird thing? Those guys in the other dimension still use the old sound equipment! And the old intro and outro! Mysterious!



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Episode 101 : New Sound Equipment!!!

We’ve got new sound, people! Hundreds of dollars of new sound equipment… that might make us sound worse than we used to. Let us know, because as usual, we have no idea what we’re doing. But we also have a cool new intro and outro from the man himself, Sir Guido!



Dear Hatlets, My wife likes chocolate desserts and I like fruit desserts. Which do you like? –Sir Guido

Dear T.M.T.H., What is your favorite television commercial? — Dave of Id



This is the commercial Tony was talking about.

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Episode 100 : A Whole Bunch of Iches

It’s finally here! Episode 100 of the podcast! Thanks to those who stuck with us through all the boring episodes and pointless episodes and other-dimensional episodes. We couldn’t (well, wouldn’t) have done it without you!

To celebrate, we brought in some Hard Hats to record with us. This week is not only Tony and William, but the Producer, Mark, and Beth. Enjoy!



(NOTE — I don’t remember what order these are in)

What should I get as my next tattoo? — Craig

Dear The Magical Talking Hat, What is the best trading card game? — Kiya B.

Dear The Magical Talking Hat, Would you rather be assimilated into the BOrd, or recruited to the Dark Side? — Kiya B.


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Episode 99 : Super Famous!

Yes, we’re huge now. We’re major celebrities. Like rock stars. Or mechanics. Or Presidents.  So we spend the episode discussing the intricacies of an outdated RPG, and the merits of feeding raw milk cheese to cats. You know, like famous people.



In city there are factions Vampires, Changlings, Mages, and Vampire Hunters (Church). Which city structures would each infiltrate as “day jobs.” Elaborate. — Stevan D. Grbik

Dear Hatlets, Ice cream or gelato? — Sir Guido


LINKS: In passing, we mention Sir Guido’s YouTube channel, which can be found here.


 UPDATE: Apparently, the episode is quite static-y, especially at the end. We apologize. There seems to be something going on with the mic. Will attempt to fix it before next time.

Posted in Episode | 29 Comments

We made the news! For reals!

As promised, local newspaper reporter Max Freund wrote us up in today’s paper! I haven’t had a chance to see what (if anything) is in the physical paper, but it’s on their website. Complete with a video (in which Tony has really terrible hair!).

We’re famous now! Sort of. Check it out, though.. the video is short, but gives a little montage of what to expect in episode 100, which, contrary to the article, is airing *next* Thursday.


Here’s the link!

Posted in Other Stuff | 2 Comments

Episode 98 : I Control the Bears!

It’s an intense episode tonight, folks! We discuss the upcoming 100th Episode Gala, the power of snacks on time travel, and William goes on a long, crazy rant about how “not weird” he is!



If you had a time machine and could visit any historical event, which snack would you bring? — Anonymous


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