Episode 114 : So Many Dead Beavers!

We talk about a lot of stuff this week! Movies, podcasts, games, other kinds of games, pizza, making fun of William, and hats. So many hats! Amazing (and expensive) hats! Enjoy!



Dear The Magical Talking Hat, What is the most expensive hat you’ve ever bought? — Kat


Here is a very short video of Tony GMing his Dresden Files game.


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Episode 113 : Mystery Episode 10

Well, the inter-dimensional magic is at play, again, so we’ve got a Mystery Episode. I dunno what’s in it, and i dunno what the questions are. But I’m sure it’s good…. well… you know… for us. Enjoy!



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Episode 112 : Snarfblats

Now, don’t be scared, everyone… but this week, we did NO QUESTIONS.

It’s not our fault! Actually, it’s completely our fault. We got pretty distracted by a spirited debate on the nature of the word “geek.” Yes, yes, it’s been done to death ,but there’s actually some interesting and fairly original thoughts in this discussion. So check it out! Enjoy!



And this restaurant is still great. The Chicken Roulades is amazing!

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Technical Difficulties 2013!

Ok, so some of you may have noticed we weren’t here for a little bit. We’re back, though. If you’re reading this, you probably figured it out.


The problem is a long story, that I’m sure will come up on the next episode. But basically, it’s our fault, but also not our fault.


Anyway, sorry for the confusion. Hopefully the 20 hours of downtime didn’t cost us too many permanent listeners.


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Episode 111 : The Six Thousand Dollar Toddler

Exciting times we live in, Hatlings! William is revamping his website, and we explain the mysteries of “What do heck?” Also, talk about TV for a bit, and a deep look inside William’s childhood, possibly answering a lot of questions about William. And then some chocolate and Doctor Who. Who doesn’t love that?


Besides strait up in bar form, what is your favorite chocolate delivery system? — Bloodsparrow

Dear Hat Henchmen (Hatchmen?) Which are your favorite Doctor Who Companions and why? — Bloodsparrow

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Episode 110 : Mega Ultra Hamster

We’ve got some interesting talk tonight, folks! About feminism. And also, a terrible movie. And cool pets! Also, cool pets fighting! WARNING: Tonight’s episode may contain one or more cliche spoilers for the movie Olympus Has Fallen. If you’re concerned, don’t be. That movie sucks.


What unusual pet would you like to own? — Craig


This is the web-comic I was talking about. I was wrong, it was from Shortpacked!



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Episode 109 : Tony and the Crazies

We are all over the map tonight, folks! We got some very serious talk, then some not so serious talk, then some too serious talk, then some not at all serious talk, then some just right serious talk, and then someone falls asleep. Also, we learn the power of belief. It can kill.


What’s it like to be famous? — Bloodsparrow

Dear Minions of the Magical Talking Hat, What are your favorite webcomic(s)? — Mark McKibben

Dear Vocal Extensions of the Magical Talking Hat, Who is your favorite real life pricess of all time? — Mark McKibben



This is the video we watched before we started.


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Episode 108 : Fargon Poopfrint

This episode is pretty awesome, Hatlings and Hard Hats! We get through SOOOOO many questions! There’s some talk of weddings, as there often is these days (thanks, Beth), and then William goes on a kinda weird, boring stretch. And then a simple question about billboards devolves into discussion about abortion! Enjoy!


This is what we were watching in between episodes 107 and 108.


*Dear Vocal extensions of TMTH, What do you remember about your wedding and wedding prep? — Beth P.S. Listeners answer too!

Which do you prefer, Christmas or New Year’s? — Craig

Hello, Hat Minions, If the Magical Talking Hat gets hand cramps from writing down questions, why doesn’t the hat print out emails? — Bloodsparrow

Dear Hatlets, Is thereanything better on a cold autumn evening than a bowl of rich creamy soup? — Sir Guido

Dear TMTH, how can apartment dwellers successfully reduce their carbon footprint? — Beth

*Dear vocal extensions of The Magical Talking Hat, Do you ever mentally add to a billboard? — Mark McKibben

*indicates an abridged question.

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Episode 107: Yes, aaaaaand….

Tonight we meander a bit before we actually get out some questions. Like, almost all of the episode. The good news (for some of you), is that it’s not about video games! The bad news (for some of you), is that it’s largely about roleplaying games.  Enjoy!


Dear TMTH, What was your favorite childhood toy? — Mark McKibben


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Episode 106 : Alan Alda is Magic

We get into some talk about art, tonight. Specifically, acting. More specifically, TV shows. Most specifically, House of Cards on Netflix. But it’s still pretty interesting and insightful, dammit! Then we have a sort of British theme, partially due to a questioner, and partially due to a question. Enjoy!


Are we nearly there yet? — Craig

When Queen Elisabeth II passes, will the entire Commonwealth reissue its currency? — Anonymous


Nothing really, but this is what Tony was watching right before the taping.

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