Episode 124 : Redneck Superman

Tonight we talk about some recent movies, go in-depth about some breakfast foods, explain nothing about some cultural difference, give you the inside scoop on a hot new comedian… and Tony tries to explain Warhammer 40K. Unsuccessfully. Enjoy!



Breakfast eggs. How do you like them? (William eats those right?)I like mine poached or over easy. — Bloodsparrow

Warhammer 40,000 question, Can 20 trillion screaming zealots be wrong/ And are you familiar with the lore/books? — Stevan D. Grbic

Why do you think people in the UK call cookies “Biscuits”? — Bloodsparrow

LINKS: This is Kumail Nanjiani. He recently released his first album/hour special. You should get it. Here is the DVD and CD combo. And here is a download of the video for just five bucks!



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Episode 123 : Mystery Episode 11

A combination of heatwave and malfunctioning air conditioning has created a situation in which WE CANNOT RECORD TONIGHT. Luckily, we once again press our other-dimensional counterparts into service. So we don’t know what they said, or what questions were chosen. We just know that, once again, evil has saved the day. Enjoy!


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Episode 122 : The Truth About Sombreros

We get into a lot of stuff about our childhood here. Which mostly means TV. Yeah, we talk a lot about TV. But also books and movies. But mostly, it’s about how we grew up, and how seemingly innocuous media formed the people we are today. Also, we analyze wit. And we solve some great confusion from an early episode, regarding Hispanic headgear. Enjoy!


Dear Boweled over by the Bowler, What’s the first story (movie, book, comic, etc.) that had a big impact on you as a kid? Yours in curiousity, Jas

Dear Hatters, What is the lowest form of wit? — Craig


Sorry guys… I couldn’t get the pictures uploaded right.


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Episode 121 : Full of Light and Rainbows

This week on the Hat, we’re still living in last week. It’s all good, though. We discuss alcohol, technology, evil, and the finer points of joining the Hard Hat fan club. Enjoy!


Dear The Magical Talking Hat, What do you look for in a computer desktop wallpaper?  — Kiya B.

Dear Vocal Extensions of The Magical Talking Hat. What think would happen if you met with your alternate universe counterparts? — Mark McKibben

Dear magical talking hat: Which fictional fantasy world would you want to visit, Middle Earth, Westeros, Forgotten Realms, Eberron, The world of Dark Crystal? — Veremond


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Episode 120 : Super High Octane

Very exciting episode! William is distracted by shiny objects! Heave discussion happens regarding corporations and their terrible, terrible powers. We save the world! And Tony says awful things that he really shouldn’t say. Again. Enjoy!

P.S. Is the sound quality kind of bad again? Do we need to make some adjustments? Let us know your thoughts.


Dear TMTH, Are there any common household companies you actively avoid? Why?  –Craig

Dear Hat: Give the choice, Destroy the world, or Save it, which would you choose and why? — Veremond

Dear The Magical Talking Hat, Target or Walmart, and why? — Kiya B. 


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Episode 119 : The Hawkman of Regular People

William apologizes profusely! Also, we discuss memes, and hear a harrowing tale of accidental heroism. We uncover the secret truth of a superhero, and then end up with the most comfortable and safe of conversation topics — Religion!



Dear The Magical Talking Hat, Grump Cat: Loveable or overexposed? — Kiya B.

Dear Hat, Which do your prefer, the Ode to Joy, or the Hallelujah Chorus, and why? — Veremond

HEY HAT: How would you explain my prolonged absence from emailing you guys? — Veremond

Dear TMTH, What is your opinion of creationism? — Craig




Here’s the photo I was talking about, that I want to turn into a Meme.



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Episode 118 : The Farmstead of Doctor Moreau

Tony says some really awful things tonight. So be prepared for that. But he’s also hilarious (I might be biased). And we have a very involved conversation about Game Master food. Enjoy!


Dear The Magical Talking Hat, Discuss the current frozen yogurt trend. –Kiya B.

Dear TMTH, What is your opinion of GM food? — Craig


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Episode 117 : How the Machines Stole Christmas

We had to settle on this title out of several choices, because this was the only one without a swear word. William saw a movie! So we talk about that for awhile. Also, an impassioned plea for more emails! Then some discussion of cryptocurrencies, and a scathing skewering of the Matrix trilogy. Take that, previous decade! Enjoy!



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Episode 116 : Phil Collins likes Phil Collins

This week, we talk a lot about Star Trek: Voyager. Well, William does. Just fair warning.

But we also talk about death, and get pretty deep into the nature of the Hat, and how much various members of Genesis liked various members of Genesis. Enjoy!


Hello mystical chapeau, What sartorial form do you usually manifest? — Honestly, gabrielized, Aka Sue Klaus

Dear Vocal Extensions of The Magical Talking Hat, In the event of your death; do you have plans in place for the proper care talking of the Magical Talking Hat? — Mark McKibben


This is the video we’re making inside jokes about. We may have shared it before. Too bad. We love it.


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Episode 115 : Title Redacted

This episode is being posted with the power of portable media, so the blurb is gonna be short. There was too much controversy to pick a title. Otherwise, super-awesome episode. Enjoy!



If you wrote an autobiography what would it be called? — Craig

Questions!  Favorite Douglas Adams quote.  Go.  Love, Bloodsparrow

What is your favorite candy from your childhood that you can no longer find? — Kris
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