Episode 134 : The Siri Test

We’ve got sci-fi, politics, and the Producer, all in abundance! So revel in the feeling, people! So many spaceships, so many political parties. So much killing! And sound effects. A lot of sound effects. Enjoy!


Have you ever considered creating alternate language versions of the podcast? E.g. El Sombrero Magico Hablar? — Mark McKibben

Dear Tony and William, Does the US political system come across as stupid to American’s as it does to me as an outsider (sent at the start of the October government shutdown)? — Craig


This is a real thing!

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Episode 133 : Grandmageddon!

Tonight we talk a lot about television, and our medical histories. So that’s something, right? Also, Tony does his impression of an impression. A lot. And a game you should not play. Enjoy!


I think that Eddie Vedder and Homsar have the same voice. What do you think? –Anon

Dear Hat Thralls, Would you Like some cheap pharmaceuticals? — Bloodsparrow


Here’s William’s other bastard child!

Also, do NOT play this game!



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Episode 132 : Serial Infallibility

William has been cheating on us! Learn more tonight, along with a lot of discussion of movies and TV. Also some video games. And Catholicism. Also, it’s a very Mark-heavy episode. Enjoy!


Dear servants of the enchanted, chatty, sombrero, Are either of you playing or interested in playing Star Wars: The Old Republic? — Mark McKibben

Dear vocal extensions of The Magical Talking Hat, What will be the defining event of the next pope’s reign? — Mark McKibben



Here is William’s bastard child that he had without us!



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Episode 131 : Touching Smells

A lot on our plate tonight, folks. Most of it is TV. William goes into great detail about how great a show that he does not like is. Tony talks about movies, because he’s a rebel like that. We get a behind the scenes look at the world of Azuretalon. And a lot of talk about synesthesia. Enjoy!


Dear The Magical Talking Hat, With original programming, is Netflix changing the way we watch television? — Kiya B. 


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Episode 130 : Gone Home

Hi, all! We named the episode “Gone Home,” because that is the name of the video game that you all should play. So don’t forget it. But besides that, we talk about Fab Labs, recent film lots of songs, and toast! Enjoy!


Dear The Magical Talking Hat, What is the best TV sitcom theme song? — Kiya B.

Assuming that the podcast is truly powered by humanity’s belief in toast; does it matter what kid of toast it is? E.g. do you get more power if it’s rye toast? What about toasted bagels? — Mark McKibben



Here’s the article about the new Fab Lab mentioned in last week’s episode.

Here is the game you need to play. PLAY IT!


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Episode 129 : The Heart Attack

Gourmet food, time travel, sex with dead people, and lots and lots of roller derby! An extra large episode, with extra large heart! Enjoy!

NOTE: Near the end of this episode, we get into a fairly heated discussion. We both consider ourselves to be ardent feminists, and take these things very seriously. So it get emotional, and causes us to run long. Don’t worry… afterwards, we had a nice long chat about it all, and everything is good. Mom and Dad aren’t fighting, dears. Don’t worry.


*Dear Fizzogs of the Fez, If you could meet someone not now living, who would it be and what would you talk about? — Jas

*indicates question was abridged


This is the wave of the future, people. Check it out!

And this is an interesting podcast that you should check out as well.


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Episode 128 : Mystery Episode 12

This recording was found on a cassette tape, deep in the woods of New England, with a note taped to it that simply said, “Pepperidge Farm remembers…” Enjoy!

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Episode 127 : The Predator Alien Situation

On this week’s episode, we discuss those things that formed our views of life, as children. You know… TV. Also, William went to the fair! And Tony discusses his physique! Also, a very important public service announcement for everyone. Enjoy!



Dear Chaps of the Chapeau, What story or series of stories (in any form) do you think are great for kids? (Talking narrative here — so not Sesame Street). — Jas


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Episode 126 : Take Face

William rehashes some things he’s said before, Tony is very, very tired. And William gets lessons in how to behave if he’s ever around humans. Oh, and debauchery! Enjoy!

QUESTIONS (* indicates the question was “digested.”)

Dear The Magical Talking Hat, Did you enjoy the new Superman movie? — Craig

Dear meat puppets of The Magical Talking Hat, Are you and the podcast real? Or just an elaborate J.J. Abrams show that will confuse everyone until the last episode (like Lost)?*   — Mark McKibben

Dear TMTH, Wikipedia reports William, prince of Orange (1840 – 1879), although heir apparent, died before taking the throne. Cause of death: debauchery. Please discuss.        –Beth


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Episode 125 : Irritable Bowl Syndrome

This is a Producer-heavy episode, Hatlings! So eat it up! She yells at Tony, gives us her take on phones, and drinks, and… probably other things I’ve forgotten. Enjoy!


Dear Husband et al., When I finish yoga I’m always thirsty and crave a)Mike’s hard lemonade or b)full sugar Pepsi. Does this mean I’m going to a special yogic hell where we only practice revolved triangle, crazy inversions and head/handstands? — The Producer

Dear Hat Thralls, What do you look for in a cell phone? — Bloodsparrow


The Producer mentioned for a thing this weekend for those who are Pagan and local to Iowa City. If you’re interested, the link to their site is here.

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