Episode 143 : Chapeau Chappies

Movies, movies, movies! We talk about a lot of movies this week. Old movies, new movies, good movies, bad movies. It’s mostly your fault. But it’s good talking nonetheless. Enjoy!


Dear Meat Puppets of The Magical Talking Hat, What is the most disturbing movie you’ve ever seen? — Mark McKibben

Dear Chapeau Chappies, What’s one of your favorite bad movies (or B movies)? — Jas (aka The C-Movie Scion)


This is the cosplay marriage proposal video mentioned on the show.

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Episode 142 : Chat Talk

Happy Thanksgiving, all! We’re thankful for getting the soft drink you actually ordered, Michael Landon, Doctor Who, and our wonderful listeners! No big whoop. Enjoy!


Hat minions, If you asked for a cola and were served a Dr. Pepper, would that be acceptable to you? — Anon

What are your thoughts on the upcoming Dr Who season including the anniversary show? — Anon

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Episode 141 : I Was Raised By Featherless Dinosaurs

This is the first part of a 2 parter. We’ve got the usual… movies, TV, video games… but most importantly, we’ve got dinosaurs! Dinosaurs are the coolest, so you know you’ve got to listen. Enjoy!

(* indicates question was abbreviated)

Dear Fedora Fiends, I got Fallout: New Vegas. Did you play it on the PC, and did you find it horribly buggy? — Mark McKibben *

Dear minions of the hat, Do you think dinosaurs are cooler now we think most of them probably had feathers? — Craig


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Episode 140 : Retro is the New Neutral

William finally played Gone Home. That’s really the only thing you need to know about this episode. Enjoy!


Dear TMTH, What would you say is the greatest achievement of humanity so far?           — Craig 

Nerd Cons. Do you attend them? If so which ones? What do you like to do at them?          — Bloodsparrow


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Episode 139 : The Producer Reads a Board Game

A lot of catching up on this episode. It HAS been two weeks for us on this end, after all. And then a whole lot of talk about the Divine. But, most important, the Producer reads materials from a board game! Off mic! Live! Enjoy!



Dear TMTH, What are your seven wonders of the world? — Craig


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Episode 138 : The Magical Bird-killing Cauldron

Yes, it’s our annual spooooooky Halloween episode! We discuss eating things you shouldn’t, William’s obsession with dressing up, computer interfaces, and a possible ancestor to the Hat? Enjoy!


Dear vocal extensions of The Magical Talking Hat, What is the best method of interacting with a computer (voice, mouse, trackball, keyboard, gamepad, touch)?          — Mark McKibben

Dear Hat, What made you pick Tony and William as your method of communcation?       –Anon

If William is the James May of The Magical Talking Hat; does that make Tony Jeremy Clarkson or Richard Hammond? — Mark McKibben


Here is the YouTube channel we were watching in between episodes. 

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Episode 137 Redux : William’s Accidental Art Film?

It seems that some of you are nervous about the dreaded “P-word” in the original title of episode 137. Feel it might invite evil spam, salacious viruses, or the ire of your service provider (i.e. work?).


So here is a version of the exact same episode, but scrubbed clean of its shameful title. Enjoy!

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Episode 137 : William’s Accidental Porn

I’m gonna be honest, folks… we recorded two episodes tonight, so I don’t really remember what we talked about in this one. Except for a some porn, and some movie soundtracks. But it was really good stuff, I swear! Enjoy!


Topic request: Movie soundtracks… are they worth listening to? — Anon


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Episode 136 : With James Marsters as Mark McKibben!

Some important talks tonight. About children, and why none of us should have them. And about TV, and why we’re still watching it. And we start the process of making some TV tonight. Also, coughing. A LOT of coughing. Sorry. Enjoy!


*Do you guys know the Off Topic Radio podcast? They’re like you but less funny. Thoughts? — Mark McKibben

If The Magical Talking Hat was turned into a movie who would you want cast in it?       — Craig

*indicates that question was abridged from its original form.


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Episode 135 : Earth Berms!

This week, we discuss fast food and gender roles. And absolutely nothing else. Enjoy!


Dear Homunuli of the Hamburg, Does Odo on DS9 have a gender? — Jas


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