Episode 153 : Cauda Equina Syndrome

So last week, we had to rely on an alternate dimensional podcast. This was because Tony was busy. With spinal surgery. So… mostly we talk about that this week. Also, chicken wings. Enjoy!



*Dear Dissonant and Confused Force Voices of the Magical Talking Hat. Chicken Wings are good. Flats are best. The Vine makes good wings. Discuss. –Azuretalon!!!

*indicates a question was abridged or digested

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Episode 152 : Mystery Episode 14

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are unable to record an episode this week. So once again, our “evil” counterparts pick up the slack. Enjoy!



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Episode 151 : Bucket of Bacon

It’s a Mark-themed night tonight, as Hardhat #1 gets all the questions tonight. We also recount Tony’s birthday, and discuss problematic cartoon shows.  And bacon! Mmmm… bacon. Enjoy!



Dear Fabricated Personalities of the Magical Talking Hat, If it wasn’t for those meddling kids, what would you have gotten away with? — Mark McKibben

Dear Tony & William, If you haven’t seen Thor: The Dark World yet, are you planning to? If you have, what did you think of it? — Mark McKibben


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Episode 150 : Mystery Episode 13

Welcome to the sesquicentepisode! So we picked up this alternate universe dealie. Where did it come from? It’s a mystery… Enjoy!


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Episode 149 : Fine Art

We take a deep look at art in this episode, people. Many different forms, from the cinematic, to paintings, to political art, to psychic art, to nipples. Enjoy!


Dear Dissonant and Confused Forced Voices of the Magical Talking Hat, What’s with the angry pixelated faces on I-80 Eastbound leaving Iowa City? — Azuretalon!!!

If you could have your portrait painted by any artist (living or dead), who would you hire to do it? — Mark McKibben


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Episode 148 : An Uncanny Valley of Flavor!

We’re not SUPER focused tonight, folks. Kinda all over the place. Baking, Frankenstein, life-changing McDonalds knowledge, fatigue, presents, pork, and our lovely, lovely listeners! Enjoy!


Dear Dissonant and Confused Forced Voices of the Magical Talking Hat, What is the secret to good pie crust? — Azuretalon!!!


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Episode 147 : Annual Holiday Download

According to William, this is something of a tradition. So Tony talks about his holidays, the loot he scored, and the movie that changed his life forever. Then we bring things down. Enjoy!


(*=question was abridged)

Tony, Do you or the Producer use any add-ons for Cookie Clicker? — Mark McKibben*

Dear William and Tony, Do you realise how relaxing it is listening to you chat each week? — Craig


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Episode 146 : Post-Christmas Hat-tacular!

Christmas is past, so we post an episode that took place before Christmas, in which we try and guess how Christmas went. And we talk about our week which hasn’t happened yet (is that weird?). Also, bad video games. Enjoy!


Dear William and Tony, Do you ever find it weird talking about your week for people you don’t know to listen to? — Craig

Dear T & W, What is the absolute worst video game you’ve actually played all the way through to the end? — Mark McKibben


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Episode 145 : Your Pep Band is Racist

We’ve got a pre-holiday episode tonight, discussing the joy of giving, and wolf children. It’s timeless. Enjoy!


Have you listened to anything by the DoubleClicks?(if not you should, they’re awesome) –Craig

Dear Dissonant and Confused Forced Voices of the Magical Talking Hat, How old would you be if you did not know how old you are? — Azuretalon!!!


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Episode 144 : I did Chocolate!

William talks about sports. A lot. Tony does his impression of Tracy Morgan. It’s awful. And the Producer brings Original Sin into the conversation. From the other room. Enjoy!


Dear William & Tony, If people were to request that their questions to be read witha specific accent, would you be willing to do so? –Mark McKibben

Dear Hat, How old are you (the Hat)? — Anon


Night of the Doctor


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