Episode 163 : What of thou Martian Manhunter?

More of William’s freaky childhood this week, including a fire. Tony’s theory that he’ll become a serial killer continues. Then we talk superheroes, and superpowers. And some dumb stuff about animals. Enjoy!


Servants of the Hat, In the Marvel Universe, Thor is a God. Does he have superpowers? — The Producer

What does the fox say? — Anonymous


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Episode 162 : Scrawny Claus

This week, we delve more into William’s past, wax philosophical about electronics, discuss authors we don’t actually know, and crap on modern science fiction. Enjoy!



Dear Tony & William, Mac or PC? –Craig

What are your feelings about Kurt Vonnegut? — Anon

Assertion: The sci-fi of my childhood had something it wanted to say. Today’s sci-fi just wants to look pretty. Discuss. Love, The Producer


This is the video Tony mentioned in this episode.



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Episode 161 : My Wife…

Tony is not feeling too well, this episode. Unsurprisingly, it doesn’t stop him from babbling for a big chunk of the show. But eventually, he sort of settles back, and William talks a lot about himself and his life, and opens up in a way we don’t often see on the show. It’s pretty impressive. Enjoy!



*Dear Dissonant and Confused Forced Voices of the Magical Talking Hat, Remember that time 5 years ago when you were really mad? Does it matter now? –Azuretalon!!!

* = question was abridged or digested


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Episode 160 : Previously on The Magical Talking Hat…

We come back for part two of the two weeks we were gone… which is now three weeks, so whatever. But Tony catches us up on the second half of his “weeks,” and William decides to talk about the stuff he wasn’t going to talk about last week. Then, zombies. Enjoy!



What do you make of our culture’s current obsession with zombies? — Anonymous


This is the artistic “reimagining” we were talking about in this episode.

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Episode 159 : The Balcony is Now Closed

We get kind of pretentious in our film critiques this week, so get ready for that.  But then, we get a little sentimental, and a little musical. So it’s really just a fun time for everyone. Enjoy!


Dear Dissonant and Confused Forced Voices of the Magical Talking Hat, What are you most grateful for? — Azuretalon!!!

Dear Tony & William, Do you play any musical instruments? Did you used to? — Craig


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Episode 158 : Mystery Episode 15

There comes a point in everyone’s life when they start to change. They grow bigger and grow hair in places they haven’t before. Their voice changes. And they start to discover new feelings.

None of that has happened to Tony or William this week. But other strange things have caused them to hand the reigns over once again to their Evil-Universe counterparts. Enjoy!


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Episode 157 : Welcome to Lonnie’s

We get deep and spiritual this episode. Also, talk about television. Of course. Tony catches us up on Skyrim and his group RPG, and… that’s mostly it. Enjoy!


Dear Dissonant and Confused Forced Voices of the Magical Talking Hat. Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first? — Azuretalon!!!



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Episode 156 : The Stars are Aligned

We delve into the darkness this week, contemplating the unknowable nature of Lovecraftian narrative, plumbing the depths of our psyches, and contemplating a horrific world in which you got either Tony OR William, but not both. Also, strange cries from beyond! But that’s mostly just The Producer yelling from the other room. Enjoy!


If you did an episode where only one of you could speak, which of you should it be and why? — Anon

Do you consider yourselves introverts or extroverts? And what do you think the other is? — Mark McKibben


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Episode 155 : Conspiracies

We’ve got a new sponsor this week! We also blow the lid off of conspiracies. News, movies, JFK, soft drinks, podcast producing. And more! Then we stop, because Tony has to pee. Again. Enjoy!



Magical Hatlings, As a lucid, relatively intelligent person, should I believe the findings of the Warren Commission? — The Producer

That conversation you had about Coke Zero and Diet Coke last year blew my mind. What other interesting soda facts do you know? — Bloodsparrow


In honor of conspiracies, I present to you this video.



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Episode 154 : The Art of Fighting

We’ve got a lot of talk going today. Some good conversations. About conversations. Also, a plea to you all.. the Hat’s email box is getting low. Please write in and help! Enjoy!


Dear Dissonant and Confused Forced Voices of the Magical Talking Hat, What’s something you know you do differently than most people? — Azuretalon!!!



This is the David Attenborough Tony mentions in the episode.


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