Episode 191 : In Space!

A lot of catching up to do this week. It’s been two weeks, and Tony and William both did a lot of stuff. Well, watched and played a lot of stuff. Not so much with the doing. Anyway. Then we talk about relationships. Enjoy!


What are your dealbreakers in a relationship? –Anonymous

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Episode 190 : Freaking Wonder Woman!

A lot of questions tonight. Also, the story that explains what it’s like to be Tony. Then Tony has a long, drawn out fight with Wonder Woman, and loses. Enjoy!


While at work, do you ever have one of those existential, FML Moments? — Anonymous

If you were a professional wrestler, what would your wrestling name be?                           — Anonymous

Have you ever fallen asleep on a bus or train and awoken to find yourself far past your destination? — Craig

What is our ideal peanut butter + something sandwich? — Anonymous


Here’s what we watching in between episodes.


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Episode 189 : Freaking Fish Mooney!

Catching up from two weeks, we go through some TV shows again, and discuss plans for the near future. Then it’s zombies, love, and Neil Gaiman. Sort of. Enjoy!



What do vegetarian zombies eat? — Anonymous

What real life person do you most admire? — Anonymous


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Episode 188 : Mystery Episode 18

Well, I guess the universe felt the need to align (ep 188 and mystery ep 18? Get it?) and the dimensions parted.. and here we are. Mystery Episode. Enjoy!


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Episode 187 : There Will Definitely Be Bacon Involved

It gets heavy at the beginning here, people. Serious, dark talk about… super powers. Then TV. Then… um.. poop, a little, I think? And then, definitely, bacon. Enjoy!



You talk a lot about DC comics but what are your favourite Marvel franchises? — Craig


This is my new favorite video ever!


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Episode 186 : Mystery Episode 17

So, you know that thing you’ve been wanting us to talk about? Yes, you. That specific thing? Well, tonight, we talk about that. Probably. Maybe. I dunno. This episodes from another dimension! How would I possibly know? Stop pestering me! Enjoy!


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The Producer found this. It’s a science-fiction film, about 15 minutes long. Don’t read the premise or anything, just watch the movie. It’s… very cool.



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Episode 185 : Accidental Genocide

It’s the start of the Fall TV Season! They haven’t seen much, but it won’t stop him from talking about it! Only a little video games (so you can relax, people who get bored from video game talk), followed by some talk of tabletop games! Well, game. Then it’s on to food! Also, William may or may not have recorded a podcast with Bob Newhart (spoiler alert: He didn’t.) Enjoy!


Dear Dissonant and Confused Forced Voices of the Magical Talking Hat, What is the most comforting food in your life? — Azuretalon!!!


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Episode 184 : Peace to the Goatmen

We’re back! Like, in real time! Well, not real time, but… same day service? Photos while you wait? Glasses in about an hour? Whatever, we’re back. And we talk (really in depth) about some video game crap. And then about underwear. Yup. Enjoy!



I realized tonight I know what brand of underwear my sister wears. Is that creepy?          –Anonymous


LINKS: I found this the other day. Oh, the memories! 

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Episode 183 : Jesus or Satan?

Time to catch up on Tony’s stuff, this week. From the last… two weeks? And then, a most innocuous question from Azuretalon(!!!) creates a fascinating conversation about metal. And religion. So there. Enjoy!


Dear Dissonant and Confused Forced Voice of the Magical Talking Hat, What are your middle names and why? — Azuretalon!!!


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