Episode 210 : William E Coyote

Cruise talk! Lots of cruise talk! And William does more roleplaying! (They grow up so fast). Then we discuss evil, and how close we are to our evil counterparts. Several gratuitous references are made to Dave of Id. Enjoy!


(NOTE: question is abridged)

This is for Evil Tony & William, If you could trade places w/ the Good versions, what’s the first thing you’d do in the good universe? –Dave of Id


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Four more years! Four more years!

Four years ago, today, William and Tony decided to start a podcast. About a hat with its own email address. They posted it on a Thursday. And they’ve posted it every Thursday since.


Even typing those words, I still can’t believe it. But we do it, and we love it. And we couldn’t do it (well, we *wouldn’t* do it) without the support of our loyal hatlings, hatters, and hard hats. Thank you for listening, and participating, and for putting up with us for four whole years.

Here’s to the next four. 🙂

Posted in Management, Other Stuff | 2 Comments

Episode 209 : Trish’s Backside

It’s part two. Tony’s crazy excited about his cruise, so he won’t shut up about that. Trish tries on a lot of new clothes — LIVE — and then William is very William-ish. Also, help in goal setting. Enjoy!

(Note. Trish came up with a title for this, but I can’t remember, and am too lazy to look it up. But it involved her butt, so there ya go.)


Would you rather have completely  white/grey hair or be bald? –Anonymous

What is the best (or best type) of New Year’s resolution to make? –Beth


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Episode 208 : Brand Recognition

Lots of catching up this week. Discussion of gaming, gamers, and how William feels about the news. This is part one of a two-parter. Enjoy!


Allo! Allo! What are your thoughts on Russell Brand’s book, Revolution? –Cawfee

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Episode 207 : Mystery Episode 20

In this episode… I dunno. It’s a Mystery! Whatever happens is probably evil, though. Enjoy!


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Episode 206 : Miley Cyrus’s Tambourine Player

Lots to discuss tonight. A lot of Valentine’s stuff, a lot of Saturday Night Live. And some throwback to the last episode, discussing deep existential fears. But mostly just a funny good time. Enjoy!


What’s a nice holiday memory you have (any holiday)? –Anonymous


Seriously, watch all three of these.

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Episode 205 : Back to the Past

This episode runs a little long. Tony tells a lot of stories this time, and statistically speaking, most of them are boring. Then a little time travel, and William tries to convince us all he’s trustworthy, and inadvertently shoots Tony in the face. Enjoy!


You magically get to send a question back to episode 1, what do you write?                           –Anonymous

What’s your biggest fear? –Craig

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Episode 204 : Giraffes Don’t Do It

Tonight we explain how unnatural society is. Then we rag on judgmental people, in full view of the irony. And we try and help William make friends. Won’t you? Enjoy!


If you were going to be a character in a book or movie who would it be? –Anonymous

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Episode 203 : Lou Ferrigno as Uncle Bobby

It’s desert island time! Everyone loves desert island time! Also, some talk about TV and movies. Actually, most of the talk is that. But also desert island time. Not dessert. Desert. And Gilbert Godfried. Enjoy!


Desert island time — who would you take with you if you had to be stranded on one?        –Anonymous

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Episode 202 : Evolutionary Psychology

Part two from last week. A lot of things make Tony and William angry this time… but then they deal with it by having a fight to the death! Are you not entertained?!? Enjoy!


What was the last movie you walked out of before it had finished?  — Craig

Ladies, You must fight each other to the death. What tactics do you anticipate your opponent will use?  — The Producer

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