Episode 220 : Mystery Episode 23

Seems we’ve been going through a lot of these Mystery Episodes lately. The evil universe must have a lot to say. So strap on your goatees and let’s party. Enjoy!


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Episode 219 : Misanthropy

Tony’s in a bad mood, so… he seems about the same as usual. But we’ve got plants! And toys! And SPACE! Enjoy!



Hello masters of the non-sequitur! How does your garden grow? And if you don’t have one yet, what would you plant? –Sue Klaus, Still at ASI

What three toys would you take with you to space if you live on the Space Station for a year? –Cawfee


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Episode 218 : Connecticut Dungeon Masters

You did it! Yes, you saved the Hat. Well done, all. It’s been, technically, three weeks since we got together, so there’s a lot of catching up. Tony keeps remembering new things, throughout, and William just lets him talk. Then we hate on Azuretalon (as usual), and talk about old murder mysteries (as usual). Enjoy!



Dear Human-Hatipede, At least questions will be more timely now right?                             –Azuretalon with three exclaimation points that are written out instead of typed as a exclaimation points symbol

Dear CTDMoTMTH, Imagine a god inserts you into a mystery series, which series would you most want to avoid? –Mark McKibben

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Episode 217 : Mystery Episode 22

Here’s another little ditty from the evil side of the multiverse! Gives you folks another week to write in, and save the Hat from a quiet, whimpering death. No pressure. Enjoy!


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Episode 216 : Death of a Hat

This is kind of scary, people, but this week… we run out of note cards in the Hat. They’re done. It’s dead. Unless you write in. This was recorded last week, so hopefully you did. Otherwise, we’re just going to talk about butt stuff. Enjoy!


Who (do you think) killed JFK? — Craig

How much is comedy gold worth? And what is the unit of measurement for it (e.g. dollars per ounce)?  –Mark McKibben

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Episode 215 : Cable Gru

A lot of catch up this week, on movies and books and such. William waxes poetic about his crush on Kate Mulgrew. And then we rip into modern news channels, because we like easy targets. It’s part 1 of 2. Enjoy!


What do you think about the fact that Fox News is apparently the most trusted news source in the USA?  –Craig


This is AX COP.


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Episode 214 : Craig’s Day

This week starts off a little dark. Good, but… dark. But then it picks up. Movies mostly. And angry people. But most importantly, it’s all about Craig tonight. Don’t like his questions? Well, write some yourself, and maybe Craig’s won’t be drawn as much! Enjoy!


Have you ever flipped a table in anger? –Craig

Are there any movies that you think deserve/need a sequel but never got one? –Craig

Would you rather box against Einstein or play chess against Mike Tyson? –Craig

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Episode 213 : Hear the Cheese Packet Inside

A lot of coughing this episode, I’m afraid. We’re both getting over illness. It’s worse at the beginning, it gets better, promise. Beth is the star question giver tonight, so she gets a lot of answers to burning questions. Also, we talk about Hooters. Enjoy!


*indicates a question was abridged

*Chris MacGregor (of MacGregor’s furniture) is retiring after 118 years. How does this make you feel? –Beth

What happened to the Kraft Dinner? Did it stop sponsoring the show? –Beth

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Episode 212 : Mystery Episode 21

Let’s get a little evil, folks! We’re not able to fulfill our normal duties as… Hatbourne? Hattendents? Whatever. So the guys from the evil universe mysteriously step in again. Enjoy!


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Episode 211 : My Pizza is Crushing the Hat

William’s been ill. So watch out for germs on this episode. But otherwise, it’s a good one. We talk about a lot of things. TV and movies, the Great Muppet War of 202X, and casting our own biopics. Good times. Enjoy!


What shows do you find rewatchable and which not? –Anonymous

Who do you think would win in a fight. The Muppets or the cast of Sesame Street –Craig

Greetings voices and hat, What famous person would be best fit to play you in a movie?   –Anonymous



Here is the awesome video of Indians eating American sweets. 

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