Episode 229 : Iowanati or IlluminIowa?

Lots to cover this time! Vacations, books, movies, battle maps. And a last minute surprise from Blue Claw that shows us what a small world state it can be. Enjoy!


Yo, Where battle mats are concerned, square grid or hex?                                                          –Azure….. wait for it….. talon


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Episode 228 : Comedy Loves Misery?

So welcome back for the second part of last week. Or something. Tony talks a lot about movies, in particular a lot of documentaries about comedy. Then there’s math. And economics. Separately. So… Enjoy!


How many digits of Pi can you remember?  –Anonymous

With the ubiquity of streaming is buying music now obsolete? –Anonymous



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Episode 227 : Shia the Beef

We started about 20 minutes late this time. Forgive us. But it’s still interesting, I think. Also, as this is part 1 of a 2 part series, I’ve already mostly forgotten about it. So you’ll have to listen and find out. Enjoy!

What ability/skill would either of you like to acquire or to improve?  –Jas



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Episode 226 : Diet Star Wars

We’ve got more things to talk about than we remembered! Exciting! And also Nazis. And the House on the Rock break-down. Just tons of stuff, people. Enjoy!


Do you have a list of all prior questions pulled from the hat? –Anonymous

How concerned should the average person be about identity theft? What should they do to prevent it? –Beth


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Episode 225 : Stupid Eyes

This is a very political episode. But it’s not our fault! You asked for it. You don’t like it, write in more non-political stuff. Enjoy!


*indicates a question has been abridged

Hatmavens, If you could decide who should run for president, who would you place on each party’s ticket? –Anonymous

*If the US Presidency was chosen by a single competition with all candidates, what kind of competition would that be? –Dave of Id

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My new favorite day!

Today, the US Supreme Court approved the legality of gay marriage.


As most (all?) of you (should?) know, Tony and William feel strongly about this issue. This is a wonderful, incredible day, and I can’t stop crying with happiness.

Due to holidays, we had to record episodes ahead. But I wasn’t willing to wait two weeks to bring this up. So I just thought I’d say, “Yes yes yes YESSSSS!!”


*happy dance*


Alright, back to work.


Posted in Other Stuff | 1 Comment

Episode 224 : I Really Thought More Had Happened..

We do a little catch up this week, though not as much as expected. Then an in-depth look at Disney, followed by some words that Hard Hat #1 made up. Enjoy!


*indicates a question was abridged

Do you prefer modern Disney or classic Disney? –Anonymous

Dear CTDMoTMTH, What’s in your EDC (Everyday Carry)? [Wikipedia link]                     –Mark McKibben

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Episode 223 : There Once Was a Hat from Nantucket…

A lot of catch up tonight, of course. Lots of movies and TV to discuss, both in general and in specific. Followed by poetry, and various philosophies on travel. Enjoy!


What’s your favorite limerick? –Anonymous

Where is the best place to go on vacation? –Beth


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Episode 222 : Schrodinger’s Carol Channing

Part 1 didn’t have a lot of questions. Part 2 makes up for it. Also, Tony describes how he’s been defending Ellen Degeneres in his own mind for years. Enjoy!

* indicates a question was abridged

What’s the best way to listen to podcasts, for the hopelessly overburdened among us.         –Anonymous

(Can you please) Describe your dream home. (?) –Beth

*If there was a TMTH telethon, what three celebrities would participate, and what would their talents be? –Dave of Id

*Which STD would make an Emmy-award winning cable show? Which network?               –Dave of Id


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Episode 221 : Goat Stories

This is part one of two, people, and we’ve got a lot of catching up to do. William talks TV, and Tony discusses all the fun stuff he’s been up to. Also, the best video ever. Enjoy!


Dear deerstalker delegates, If you could find out the answer to one mystery what would it be? –Jas



Baby. Goats. In. Pajamas.

Kung Fury.


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