Episode 239 : Pokemon Lifestyle

Guns and Pokemon! It’s a violent episode. Plus Tony explains why he’s better than all of you. Enjoy!


Are you a Pokemon blue or Pokemon red person? –Anonymous


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Episode 238 : Intelligent Pervert

This week, we continue to tell you, in excruciating detail, while most movies and TV shows are terrible. Then we cast the best new show not on TV yet, and discuss modern homophobia in men. Enjoy!

If the sitcom Three’s Company was rebooted this year, who would you cast for the three main characters, plus the landlord character? –Anonymous


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Episode 237 : Big Government

Don’t worry about the title. We mostly talk about TV shows. But a little about government. And medical technology. And probably other things. I’m tired, and don’t recall. Enjoy!



William — is there anything you like about big government?  –Anonymous


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Episode 236 : Mystery Episode 24

We continue to laugh in the face of modern science by bringing you another episode of the podcast from an alternate dimension. Say it with me… it’s a mystery. Enjoy!


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Episode 235 : He Cleaned Our House!

Sleep science, mental health, and anti-cyber-bullying are the big topics this week. We catch up on Tony’s trip, and William read a novel! Also, Tony eats dinner. Enjoy!


If you are what you eat, does that mean we’re all getting dumber because we don’t eat intelligent beings? –Mark McKibben


This makes me so happy, I can’t even cope!


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Episode 234 : Repressed Feelings for Ponch

So this is from two weeks ago. Don’t get confused. We delve into the questions this time, but only manage to get through two. But that’s just a sign of how in-depth we got! Enjoy!

***indicates a question was WAY too long, and was SO ABRIDGED!

If there was a new star trek series who would you pick for the captain? –Anonymous

Theory says Solar System moves like comet, w/ Sun in center, planets move around in vortex pattern. What do you think of theory? –Cawfee


Here’s what we were watching in between episodes. 


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Episode 233 : William the Unwilling Butler

We managed to talk about nothing, for about an hour. I know that sounds pretty normal, but really, this one just went crazy. Cryptids, news outlets, and a police showdown right outside the window! Enjoy!


What do you think of al-Jazeera? –Anonymous


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Episode 232 : Trapped in Jabba’s Palace

Not gonna lie, we talk a lot about Dracula again. Also lesbians. And Ant-Man. And Microsoft. If NONE of those topics interests you… you’re probably listening to the wrong podcast. Enjoy!


I just saw the movie trailer for Ant Man. Describe your thoughts on Ant Man; how do you respond to this super hero? –Cawfee

Have you tried Windows 10? What do you think of it? –Craig


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Episode 231 : Martin Scorsese’s Dracula

This week, we catch up on William’s brain, and plan his excursions to the State Fair. Tony talks about his discomfort with nudity. And there’s a lot of literary criticism. Enjoy!

*indicates an abridged question

Do you have an opinion on waistcoats as everyday attire? –Anonymous

*Dear CTDMoTMTH, Do you have authors you are unwilling to read just before bed? If so, why? –Mark McKibben

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Episode 230 : New Google Kapow!

Part 2 is here folks. We get a little serious, explaining why we aren’t recording next week (this week), but then we talk about housecleaning, and the importance of good romance. Or something like that. Enjoy!


What needs to have been done recently for a house to be considered “clean”? –Beth



This is what we watched between episodes.

EDITOR’S NOTE: William is back at home and doing totally fine. He’ll probably tell you about it next week.

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