Episode 259 : Family Cloth

It was a relatively uneventful week for everyone involved, so we actually get a lot of questions answered this episode! But there’s still time for movies, and time travel, and some really disgusting hygiene trends. Enjoy!


Did you see The Martian? Thoughts on it? –Anonymous

Dear Hat, If you were given the option of space or time travel, which would you choose? The option of where and when you were going would not be yours. –neuroduck

Hat and hatters, Did you miss me? –Azuretalon

Describe a household with goats in pajamas and min pigs in pajamas. –Cawfee


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Episode 258 : Missiles Are a Sometimes Food

New sound equipment tonight! Well, some of it is new. Tell us how it sounds! Tony tells us the valuable lessons he’s learned in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Fallout 4. And he shares a new movie with you all that he really thinks is worth checking out. William is also here. Enjoy!


Will you be buying a VR system like the Occulus Rift?  –Anonymous


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Episode 257 : Fetus Bubbles

This might be our worst episode ever. Tony has no voice, AND proceeds to shout the ENTIRE PLOT of a movie at you all. While sick. Plus some Jane Austin. Enjoy!


Board games — any reccommendations that work well with only 2 players?                        –Anonymous

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Episode 256 : Mystery Episode 27

You know the drill. They’re evil. They’re from another universe. I don’t know what they said, but it’s probably not good. Enjoy!


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Episode 255 : Jesus Is Not Arbitrary!

This week we get a lot of interesting conversation. Who knew? Still some Fallout talk, still some Clone Wars talk. But then, we actually answer questions! Enjoy!



What are the pros and cons of inviting artgirl007 to be a guest on an episode of the magical talking hat to chime in her opinions to the questions the hat asks? 🙂                        –Anonymous

Do you ever get moments of ‘wow, it’s the 21st century?’ –Anonymous

What do you think about tattoos? Do you have any? –Anonymous

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Episode 254 : Happy Birthday!

No, this is not an episode about things Frosty the Snowman says. It’s Tony’s birthday today! And he’s spending it with you. Congrats! Also, William is way into Teen Titans. Enjoy!



Fallout 4 — played it yet? –Anonymous


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Episode 253 : Mystery Episode 26

The universe conspires to mess up our recording day. So a different universe swoops in to save the day. Enjoy!



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Episode 252 : The Hat Awakens

A lot of catch up this week, folks. But really, a lot of Star Wars. A LOT of Star Wars. Don’t worry, it’s spoiler free (in my opinion). Also, Tony and William explain their personal varieties of self-hate. Enjoy!


How and what do you do to temper your own dissonance (if any) when witnessing poverty & struggle when traveling? –Cawfee


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Episode 251 : Happy Old Year!

It’s the end of the year as we know it, people! We rehash stuff from 2015. And some stuff from older than that. Like Lost. But it’s mostly about storytelling and character, so hear us out. Also, Tony reviews a movie that he hasn’t seen yet, at the time of recording, but has seen by the time you hear this. Enjoy!


How important is a likeable main character to you when it comes to TV shows?                  –Anonymous



Here’s the video we saw between recordings.

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Episode 250 : The Wicked Witch of the Hat

It’s Christmas time! Not for us, we recorded this a week ago. But for you it is! We discuss our Christmas plans, classic literature, and not-so-classic TV. Happy Holidays, and Enjoy!



Who is your favorite character on TV right now (if any)? –Jas


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