Episode 289 : Equinoxious and Solstilicious

Part two! We’re back… from ten minutes ago! We discuss what’s wrong with the calendar, alternate realities, and then we get very angry. Don’t worry, it’s not like that. Enjoy!


I am catching up on late episodes while doing DIY. Are you happy now Tony?                     –Anonymous

Do you think anger has its uses? –Jas


We watched two videos in between.

This is the first.

This is the second.


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Episode 288 : Cheese on Cheese Violence

Part one of two. We talk cheese, and then Tony gives you a hilariously horrid movie to watch. Then some writing, and politics, and video games. Enjoy!

*denotes question was abridged

So what is your American take on the UK leaving the European Union (a.k.a. Brexit)?      –Anonymous

*Are there any video of phone games about peace, instead of war? –Sue Klaus


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Episode 287 : Small Sample Size

A lot of kitty action tonight! Also, a lot of talk about writing. I feel like that’s only going to get worse. Then some insights into drinking, talking, racial epithets, and a terrible, terrible movie. Enjoy!


What is your favorite summertime cocktail? –Mark McKibben

If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?              –Cawfee



Here’s the English language trailer for Guardians.

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Episode 286 : Sadface Book

Alternate title is “High Anxiety.” We discuss a little TV, and more writing, and then we get really anxious. Especially Tony. Enjoy!


How do you deal with anxiety and awkwardness when you haven’t talked to friends for a while? –Bloodsparrow


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Episode 285 : The Crop Report

We talk a lot about produce this week. Also, Wonder Woman may be William’s new Batman. The tragedy strikes, but the day is saved by the Producer. Then we learn why you shouldn’t be friends with us. Enjoy!


If you were going to become a close friend with me, please share what would be important for me to know. –Cawfee


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Episode 284 : Even More Strange Things

It’s been three weeks since we got together, so there is a ton of catch up. Also, Tony talks about porn for a while, because of course he does. Video games, books, movies, TV, the usual. Oh, and we define love. Enjoy!


What roles do love and physical affection play in your life. –Cawfee

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Episode 283 : Mystery Episode 32

Back by disturbingly popular demand, here’s the latest mysterious missive from the Evil Universe (EU?). Enjoy!


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Episode 282 : Ordering Upwards

Part 2 of 2. Tony orders some dinner! And then the most unironically heartwarming story Tony has ever told. And William explains Tony to Tony, and now Tony understands. Enjoy!


I’m currently about 10 episodes behind. If this is still the case when you read this should I just skip ahead? –Craig

What do you do in life which sets you apart from other people? –Cawfee


Here’s what we watched between episodes.


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Episode 281 : Punched in the Junk

Part 1 of 2. We play a little catch up this week. Tony had a lot going on. Then Stu ruins everything, and Tony is forced to fulfill a promise. Enjoy!


Were you in charge of immigration, what limits or requirements would you impose on those entering the U.S., becoming citizens, etc.? –Stu


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Episode 280 : Shark Exorcist

It’s a catch up episode, so we talk movies, gaming, other gaming, TV, etc. You know the drill. But then we move onto the really important stuff…. Kitty Voltron! Enjoy!


* indicates that question is abridged

*Every car you’ve ever known (living or dead). Pick 5 to make a Voltron Lion Force.         –Dave of Id


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