Episode 299 : William Kills Isaac Hayes

Hey, children! Back after two weeks! We talk turkey (lol), and get only a little political. Then Tony does a very problematic voice, and later… well, you saw the title. Enjoy!



If they ever became fashionable for men would you wear high heels? –Anonymous

What would you choose: to lose all of your past memories, or never have any new ones?  –Cawfee

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Episode 298 : We Wish You a Merry Turkey

Part 2 of 2. We’ve got carols! And discuss ancient traditions! Also, we talk directly to your family. They’ll like that. Enjoy!


If you had a favorite teacher at school, what made them so? –Anonymous

Do you remember how unhappy you were five years ago? Does it really have any significance now? –Cawfee



Here’s the video we watched between episodes.


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Episode 297 : Mule Skinner

Part 1 of 2. Honestly, this episode has a little politics. More than planned. But after about fifteen minutes, it’s gaming and movies and fun stuff, so don’t worry. Enjoy!



Can you ever learn the truth if you don’t fight for it? –Cawfee


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Episode 296 : Not a Fun One

Tonight, we talk about the election. I know, that sucks. Too bad. Feel free to skip this episode if you like. But William and Tony discuss the election, and their feelings about it, tonight. That’s pretty much it. Okay, a few minutes about Doctor Strange. Enjoy.



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Episode 295 : Porto and The Fatty

No questions this week! Sorry, but it happens… we had some really good talk. It’s kinda spooky stuff, probably should’ve been the Halloween episode, but what’re you gonna do? We’ve got trick-or-treating, horror movies, and barbecue! Spooooky! Enjoy!





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Episode 294 : The Guy Who Played Coach

There’s a lot here. Politics, TV, bad movies, video games, disasters. But the main reason you have to listen is to find out if we ever learn the answer to the episode’s title! Enjoy!


How well are you prepared for a large natural disaster? –Anonymous

What indie (non-big budget) gaming titles are you looking forward to? –Anonymous

Can’t remember if I’ve sent this in already, if not here’s a short story about surprises. Once upon a ti-BOO! –Anonymous


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Episode 293 : Exotic Bone 2016

We endorse our Presidential candidate! Also, catch up on a lot… travel, TV, movies. It’s a pretty fun time all around. Enjoy!


If Freaky Friday happened to you who’s body would you want to swap with for a week?  –Anonymous

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Episode 292 : The K Sound is Funny!

Part 2 of 2. As often happens in these marathon recording sessions, Tony gets a little loopy. Talks about stuff he’s pretty sure he talked about before. But then we get into deeper stuff, again. Enjoy!


What does friendship mean to you? –Cawfee


Here’s the video we watched in between episodes.


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Episode 291 : Crappy Culture Corner

Part 1 of 2. A lot of new TV shows, folks! So that takes a while. But then we get deep, don’t worry. Enjoy!


What are you holding on to that you should have let go of long ago? –Cawfee


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Episode 290 : Shyamalanian

It’s been two weeks, so we’ve got to catch up a bit. TV shows and movies. We also discuss how much writing sucks. Also, much of the episode is done to the tune of a lawn mower outside. Later, Tony pees himself. Enjoy!


Just to hear your reactions, a short story about surprises. Once upon a… BOO!                        –Anonymous

Describe something that you liked today. –Cawfee

How would you compare fiction (in any form) with nonfiction as a means of influencing society? –Jas


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