Episode 319 : She Only Moves the Mouth

Happy four twenty! We complain about that for a little bit, and then catch up on Easter. A brief stop to discuss what Tony’s playing, and the new MST3K, and then Tony shares his experience with the greatest bad movie he’s seen in a while. And all rounded out with immigration talk, thanks to Stu. Enjoy!



Have you considered emigrating? If so, to where? –Stu


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Episode 318 : Billy Joel’s Pitcher Show

Holy cow, people! Tony’s parents are on the podcast, via the phone, live! I mean, we talk movies and books and all the usual crap, too, but come on! Tony’s parents! Enjoy!



What makes you lose control of your own willpower? –Cawfee

Do you bargain with yourself in situations in which you know you will need to change but you continually postpone taking action? If so, identify one situation and your reasons for not wanting to act. –Cawfee


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Episode 317 : The One Where She Sings

We’ve got our fair share of pop media, as usual, but also a terrifying trip into the mind of Tony. Also hypnotism! And she sings! Enjoy!


Do you make decisions yourself, or does someone make them for you? –Cawfee


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Episode 316 : This I Plomise You

Lots of media, but also a little politics. Nothing scary, though, just little stuff. Mostly. And a lot of talk about trust and honesty. You’ll like it, I plomise. Enjoy!



Dear hat… Do you think all the Alt National Parks folks would let us camp for free?          –Sue Klaus

What’s the most important promise you’ve ever made to yourself? –Cawfee


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Episode 315 : Dry Food Gives You Cancer

This week, we talk about dumb stuff. Or, more accurately, how stuff is dumb. Dumb movies, dumb games, dumb governmental procedures. There’s a lot of dumb out there, and it’s time we started talking about it! Enjoy!


What’s the last story you saw or read that affected you very strongly? –Jas

Let’s change something in the current Educational system! What is it and why change it? –Jas


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Episode 314 : Stuck in the Hat-Zone

Tony’s on drugs! Exciting drugs! There’s a little politics in here, but not much. Otherwise, it’s mostly the usual. Oh, and Addie’s fine, don’t worry. Enjoy!


When was the last time you heard your own heartbeat? –Cawfee

What directors do you like or dislike? –Jas


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Episode 313 : Stuffed Crust Pizza

Television, vivisection, and love! What more could you ask for? Does anyone even read these descriptions? Also, Tony is just coming off of being really sick, so lots of coughs and sniffles. Sorry. Enjoy!



What is it that you love? Did your most recent actions express this love? –Cawfee

What is a difficult part of world building when writing a story? –Jas


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Episode 312 : The Fluffy Knight

Pretty usual stuff tonight. A lot of TV, movies, and video games. Like usual. Also a lot about superheroes, but this time, it’s not our fault. And then the Producer overshares in the sexiest of ways. Enjoy!


You get to choose the qualities of a superhero. What are they? –Jas


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Episode 311 : I Want My Mummy!

This is a media-heavy episode, folks. Even the question prompts discussion of media! Books, movies, TV, and video games. But, as an added bonus, we talk baby shoes again! Enjoy!


What sorts of things do you binge watch and why? –Jas


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Episode 310 : Do Some Right Things

Well, this week we try and recreate the missing episode as best we can. But Tony’s not feeling well, so it’s a pale imitation at best. Enjoy!


If we learn from our mistakes, why are we afraid of making them? –Cawfee

When will that moment come when you take the risk and do what you think is right?        –Cawfee


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