Episode 329 : The Perfect Episode

We catch up a bit this week, since the Evils took over last week. Also, goats. Honestly, we talk about sex a lot. It wasn’t on purpose, and the goats aren’t involved, but there you go. And it’s all rather tasteful… William doesn’t even get quiet and embarrassed, so how bad could it be? Enjoy!


What would constitute a perfect day for you? –Cawfee

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Episode 328 : Mystery Episode 38

Another mystery? So soon after the last one? Could this be a push by the Evil Universe to invade ours on a more permanent basis? Probably. Enjoy!



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Episode 327 : All the World was Waiting for You

Yes, it’s been three weeks since we saw each other. Yes, we have a lot to catch up on. Yes, we draw something out of the Hat. But let’s be real here, people… we mostly just talk about Wonder Woman. Enjoy!



Have you, or would you, work overtime for your employer?                                                      –Stu (written during overtime)


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Episode 326 : Mystery Episode 37

Dammit, we’d hoped to talk a lot of Wonder Woman, and catch up on the previous two weeks. But fate has conspired against us, and you’re stuck with the goatee crew from the Evil Universe. Enjoy!


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Episode 325 : Doughy White Guys

Part two of two. We catch you up on the things we forgot from the last episode, and then get to some questions. Oh, and for once, Azuretalon says something pretty funny! Enjoy!



My dudes! Wouldn’t it be a better show if Jamie Fox hosted “Can You Beat Kazaam?” Just genie garbed Shaq having spelling bees and eating contests, etc?                                     –Azure…wait for it…Talon!

When have you compromised your sense of honor? –Cawfee

What tribal traditions and rituals do you continue for yourself and your family?                –Cawfee



Here is what we watched between episodes.


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Episode 324 : God Says No Shoes

Tonight is part one of two. We explore our core beliefs and principles. What do we believe? Why do we believe it? Why wasn’t that chimp funnier? Enjoy!



What superstitions do you have? Which have more authority over you than your own reasoning ability. –Cawfee



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Episode 323 : Free Ranch Dressing

We cover a lot of ground this episode. Some of it interesting! Movies, TV, video games, honor, kittens, YouTube, pizza, loyalty, and dicks. Yup, you heard right. Enjoy!



What is your personal code of honor? –Cawfee


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Episode 322 : Emperor of the Galaxy or Something

We have some major technical difficulties in the middle of this episode, folks. Not from the computer, or the mixer… from the Hat itself! Only you can help. By writing the Hat with more questions. Otherwise, it’s your pretty standard show, plus David Hasselhoff. Enjoy!



What is your understanding of forgiveness? –Cawfee


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Episode 321 : Just Passed Thunderdome

Catch up tonight. Lots of media dump. But also some deep moral questions, and the truth about bratwurst that THEY don’t want you to know. Enjoy!



Hey Hat, I have a question that seems to be at the core of my moral code, and I want to hear the answer: Competition. Cooperation. Two ideas enter. One idea leaves. What happens? –Marshall ‘Mick’ Hitch


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Episode 320 : Mystery Episode 36

Due to circumstances beyond our control, our universe is unable to record a new episode this week. Lucky for us, we’ve got a spare universe. Enjoy!


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