Episode 339 : Fundamentalist Christian Blender

A weird coincidence. A linguistic obsession. Surprises from Facebook. And a harrowing tale of humanity’s hubris. What more could you ask for? Enjoy!



What ethical problems, if any, do you think will emerge with AI like self-driving cars?      –Jas

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Episode 338 : Taco Bell’s Canyon

This week we’ve got a little bit on the hurricane, a bit on an old TV show, a bit on a new movie, ramble for a while about games, and then, in a move that shocked everyone, we actually give what could be considered useful advice! Enjoy!



In your entire life, what was the worst game you’ve ever played from start to end, and what was the best game you’ve ever played from start to end? –Dave of Id

Wedding music — any do’s and don’ts? –Craig


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Episode 337 : Merlin Predicted Brexit

We’ve got a nice grab bag tonight, folks! Some movies, a little video games, some soul searching, a little music, a little comics, a little linguistics, and more than one question! Enjoy!



Santana’s 2017 world tour is called ‘Transmogrify’ – was that name inspired by and/or sponsored by TMTH? –Beth

What are your main similarities and differences with the other enquiring servant of the hat? –Jas


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Episode 336 : Our Hearts Are With You

This week, we get pretty political. We didn’t mean to (well, not for the whole time), but we did. The good news is, we’re mostly just being anti-racist. So that’s awesome. Also, we end on much happier notes. Enjoy!



What roles do love and physical affection play in your life? –Cawfee


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Episode 335 : Off Trek Batting

Catching up from two weeks this episode. Tony talks vacation, William talks movies and gaming, and then Tony talks about a harrowing experience he had. Also, apparently Iowa is the best place in the world for institutional foods. Enjoy!



What foods did you like in your elementary school(s) cafeteria? (Assuming you ate food from your elementary school’s cafeteria, of course.) –Cawfee


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Episode 334 : AppleToons

Part two. This one is all about how much Tony is sick of straight white males, and about music, and about marriages, for some reason. And… tequila? I dunno. Something like that. Enjoy!



What do you value most in a friendship? –Cawfee


Here’s what we watched in between episodes.


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Episode 333 : Cold Open

It’s the first of a two-part episode this week. So, of course, we mostly talk about movies. Lots and lots of movies. Enjoy!



If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?   –Cawfee

What is the most important life skill kids today should learn? –Stu


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Episode 332: Tony is the Worst

For those of you who listen for William, I have bad news. This is a very Tony-heavy episode. He talks a lot about movies. He even completely spoils The Blackcoat’s Daughter, so if you want to see that, go do it before you listen. But then, the boys get into some deep stuff about being a good friend, and how to know it. Enjoy!



If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?  –Cawfee


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Episode 331 : The Lovewich

Art filled episode tonight. Yeah, it’s still TV, video games, and movies… but we get into the real artistic merits (or lack thereof) of each. Then we praise our wives. Then we crap all over everyone. Enjoy!



What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?  –Cawfee



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Episode 330 : Root Beer Hour

We switch formats this week, becoming a serious root beer critique show. Ok, we also discuss TV and video games. And dinner. And death. And Thomas Edison. But mostly, it’s about the root beer. Enjoy!



What is your most terrible memory? –Cawfee


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