Episode 438 : Chancellor of the Exchecker

Ah, the lovely singular episode! Back to the format. We talk a fair bit about videogames, and a lot about why (and whether) people hate William. It’s pretty rad. Enjoy!


After 435(!) episodes, it occurs I should like to meet William. How does one go about this?–Stu

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Episode 437 : THIS is the correct white guy.

Part 2 of 2. We make up for last week with a bunch of questions! Unfortunately, most are Azuretalon. Also, Tony declares his bid for office. Enjoy!


Seriously this time, If you write songs about sewing machines, are you a Singer songwriter? –Azuretalon

Statistically, either Tony or William is running for the Democratic presidential nomination. Which one is it? –Stu

Dear jokees, Attire (a tire) The Joker,–Azuretalon

Hat wranglers, If Freddie Mercury, Venus Williams, and Bruno Mars walked into a bar; they had to planet that way. –Azuretalon


Episode 8.

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Episode 436 : Konstant Kardashian Koverage

Part 1 of 2. I don’t even know. I started out talking about tacos, and ended up really angry at the whole country. It got kind of heated near the end. I’ve honestly lost track. But it went off the rails a bit, and we have no questions. Enjoy!



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Episode 435 : Requiem for a Kitten

I’ll be honest, the first part of this episode is kind of a bummer. Sad stuff. But we get into lighter fare as it goes on. We didn’t get to any questions, though, because we had a lot of other things to talk about. Enjoy!


None. Sorry.

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Episode 434 : Proud to be an Ameri-squeak!

Part 2 of 2. Happy July 4th! We get a bit patriotic, and a bit political. But hopefully not too much. Enjoy!


Hostoes, What’s the best sketch comedy show? –Azuretalon


We watched episodes 4 and 6 of this.

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Episode 433 : Is William Autistic?

Spoiler alert, William is not autistic.

Part 1 of 2. We have a LOT to cover this week, because we’ve been apart so long, and missed each other so much! Movies, books, TV, comedy, and snack cakes! Enjoy!


Enchanted Lidsville podcast, Hostess or Little Debbie? –Azuretalon

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Episode 432 : Two Corduroy Jackets

Part 2 of 2. Also four of four. We’re tired at this point, so we can’t think of enough random crap to talk about. So, lucky you! We actually got to a bunch of questions! Enjoy!


Please explain the running joke of ladies farting while drinking wine outside in restaurants on Family Guy. –Cawfee

Humble servants of the hat: You are marooned on an island. You can take a magical iPad that is locked to a single streaming service. Which is it? –Anon

Golden Boys, Cake or pie? –Azuretalon

M’dudes, What do you think of these new corduroy pillows that are making headlines? –Azuretalon


William learned a lot about himself from episode 1 and episode 3 of this show, tonight.

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Episode 431 : The Second or Third One

Part 1 of 2. Except it’s the second of the night, and the third of the four. So… yeah. It’s been a long night. I think we talked about death a lot. Oh, and Mary, marry, and merry. That was great. And then we made a new holiday. Or tried to, at least. Enjoy!


You get to create a new holiday in the summer to counterbalance Christmas — what is it? –Craig


We watched episodes 2 and 5 of this.

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Episode 430 : Excuse Me, David Hasselhoff

Part 2 of 2. Also three of four. We cover some family history, a lot of bad show re-writes, Good Omens, which you all should watch. Oh, and pizza. Enjoy!


What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had on a pizza? –Craig

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Episode 429 : The Beginning

Part 1 of 2. Or really part 1 of 4, in terms of the long haul series of recording we have to do over the next couple of weeks. This week is a lot of catch-up, with a lot of media. But also some Nickelback. You should listen anyway. Enjoy!


Are Nickelback really that bad? –Craig

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