Episode 708 : A Special Occasion

YouTube link here. I have no idea what you’ll see, but probably similar to last week?

Part 2 of 2. We’ve got an email this week! But only after Tony goes off, a couple different times, about narrative issues that annoy him. So for some of you, this will be a great episode. For the rest of you… well, wait for the email at the end, it’s good. Enjoy!

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Episode 707 : For Entertainment Purposes Only

YouTube link here. Probably some Ezzie?

Part 1 of 2. This week, we tackle the tough issues! But not really. Mostly, Tony just gets mad about political ads. And then we talk media, as usual. But we had two episodes to record, and only one email, so we had to vamp a bit. Enjoy!

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Episode 706 : Blazin’ Cryptids!

YouTube link here. As usual.

This new Friday recording schedule is screwing with my head! But as far as I can remember, it’s all movies, videogames, and cryptids. So this is probably mostly an episode for Azuretalon. Enjoy!

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Episode 705 : Ye Olde Podcast

YouTube link here. It’s been almost a week, so I don’t remember if there’s kitties.

This week, we begin our new schedule for recording. Podcast will show up at the same time, but it will be even older and more out of date than before! Also, with no email, we talk longer than anyone should about Renaissance Fairs, and the legal obligations of sports fandom. Also the other usual stuff. Enjoy!

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Episode 704 : Tony’s Medical Corner

YouTube link here. I think there’s some Ezzie in the corner, if you watch closely.

This week we have no emails. So Tony talks a lot about his butt, William gets deep into biblical scripture, and we discuss a LOT of movies. Like, a lot of them. Enjoy!

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Episode 703 : Early Morning Death Game

YouTube link here. No one dies on camera. This time.

This week’s episode is actually from last week! But since the previous episode was taken up entirely by Medieval Times, we can catch up on the rest of our lives. Mostly movies and TVs. Oh, and we actually read an email! Enjoy!

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Episode 702 : Medieval Hat

YouTube link here. With bonus accessories!

This week, we are so much more than a podcast. We are an experience. A mix of old and new. A mix of strange and bad. A mix of chicken and vegetable stew. Come experience the sights, sounds, and smells — all in sound form — as we take you on our journey through Medieval Times! Enjoy!

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Episode 701 : Muppet People

YouTube link here. There may be some Ezzie-based shaky cam.

This week, Tony reveals the secret to destroying his psyche. It’s remarkably easy! Also, movies, TV, video games, and a TED talk on the true genius of Nic Cage. Enjoy!

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Episode 700 : But Why Though?

YouTube link here. We mostly look the same as usual.

We’ve reached a new milestone! And no one can figure out why, including us. Lots of TV and movies in this episode, but thanks to Azuretalon, we also attempt to get ready to rumble, but think better of it, for copyright reasons. Enjoy!

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Episode 699 : Scoot On Down!

YouTube link here. There was Ezzie, but I don’t think it was while we were recording.

This week, Tony gives another look into the anxious mind, and recommends a really good terrible movie. William is also present. And we actually get to an email! What more could you ask for? Enjoy!

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