Episode 319 : She Only Moves the Mouth

Happy four twenty! We complain about that for a little bit, and then catch up on Easter. A brief stop to discuss what Tony’s playing, and the new MST3K, and then Tony shares his experience with the greatest bad movie he’s seen in a while. And all rounded out with immigration talk, thanks to Stu. Enjoy!



Have you considered emigrating? If so, to where? –Stu


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5 Responses to Episode 319 : She Only Moves the Mouth

  1. Stuart says:

    I’ve never heard of 4/20, is this an American thing? I suspect this is another one of those instances where you need a real one!

  2. Azuretalon says:

    I always laugh at a shocker variation, the minivan. Two in the front, five in the rear

  3. Mark says:

    Act like you’re high? How will we know the difference from how you normally act? :p

    Easter closings: Weird, I’ve never really noticed that either.

    Stranger Things was awesome but I suspect it’s not a show that I’d like anywhere near as well on a second watching.

    13 Reasons Why: I’ve heard about this and it sounds like a clever concept but nothing I’ve seen/heard about it gives me the slightest desire to watch it.

    Dragon Age: I had fun with that back in the day but I don’t recall the DLC Tony mentioned.

    Shadow of Mordor: I started to play that… but the damn right-click button on my trackball is wearing out (I primarily use keyboard/trackball) and the combat uses it a ton. So I gave up. Maybe I’ll try plugging in a game controller and give the game another shot.

    #MGGA: Make Gondor Great Again!

    MST3K: I watched that first episode as well but it didn’t really do anything for me. I’ve left the show in my Netflix queue but I really can’t say why at this point.

    Ouija: Yes, I remember this hitting theaters. No, I had no idea it was even vaguely successfully.

    Ouija Origins: Nope never heard of that.

    Ouija Experiment: Like William, I think I kind of remember that.

    For a moment there I thought Tony was talking about The Ouija Experiment 2: Theatre of Death and was concerned that he so enjoyed a film with a 5% freshness rating from RT . Then he said the title was Ouija Experiment 2: The Ouija Resurrection; so that might be better (can’t find any other reviews of it)?

    Stop being the black girl in a horror movie I laughed entirely too much at that line.

    Imigrating: Seriously considered it? No. Thought about it? Yes, primarily England and Japan. I’ve also heard lovely things about Canada, but don’t know enough about it that I’d say I’d want to move there. I would like to at least visit though.

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