Episode 95 : The Hat of Versailles

This may be the longest episode every, Hatlings. And it gets pretty intense in places. We discuss some video games, yes, but also SEVERAL films. And then we get into a very serious discussion about… well… stuff. The internet, and then emotions, and then.. just stuff.


Also, a Christmas present!



Dear Hatlets, President calls you to head a committee to end crappy enteretainment, foster good entertainment. Where do you start? * — Sir Guido

* = question was abridged


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20 Responses to Episode 95 : The Hat of Versailles

  1. SirGuido says:

    I’m so glad I was finally able to write a question that William liked. Its something I’ve been trying to do since the show’s inception.

  2. Bloodsparrow says:

    Hawk The Slayer:
    – I’ve seen that. Clearly somebody wrote a screenplay about their D&D group. There are some nice moments in it, but yeah. It’s kinda not good.

  3. Beth says:

    William, I’ve never have found you more William-y than in this episode. I agree with Tony 100% about your God-daughter’s performance. Let me take a quick stab at trying to explain what happens to “normal” people. Your sister records your GD at her piano concert and posts the video on YouTube. She sends you the link, you watch it and think GD is just wonderful. Her performance makes you excited and happy. In your excitement, you tell Tony about the video and how great you think GD played. The reason you’re telling Tony about the video is because you want him to validate your belief that GD is a wonderful pianist. Tony watches it and points out that she’s certainly no Mozart, and, in fact, he’s heard better amateurs. Now Tony is not only not validating your belief (because he disagrees with you) but he is pointing out (however politely or impolitely) that you’re wrong to hold that belief in the first place. Being told that their belief is wrong does bother most people, it undermines their own self esteem because it hinders their sense of belonging and acceptance for who they are. Most people are hurt by Tony’s comments because they’re an assessment of their ability to maintain an opinion that is accepted by their peer. I think in this situation, most people will do one of three things 1) disagree with Tony’s assessment but say nothing more about it, 2) disagree with Tony’s assessment and defend their original opinion to try to change Tony’s mind to reach alignment of opinion 3) change their opinion to more closely align with Tony’s. Most people do not walk away from that conversation thinking that GD is so great. Most people will question why Tony said those things. Even if GD is great, professional caliber, a child prodigy in her own right, Tony is likely not completely wrong – there is probably another musician out there that is better. That Tony disagrees with you about the quality of the performance is what would deflate the enjoyment of the performance for most people.

    Did that make more sense than Tony’s explanation?

    • William says:

      “The reason you’re telling Tony about the video is because you want him to validate your belief that GD is a wonderful pianist.”

      I would never share a video — or anything similar — with Tony — or with anyone else — for this reason. If I shared anything like this with anyone, it would be because I think they’d enjoy it. If they didn’t enjoy it in the manner I expected, I’d just realize I was wrong about their tastes and respond to their critique on the merits I perceive in it.

      I’m having trouble thinking of a situation where I’d seek outside validation for my beliefs or opinions. Seeking invalidation makes more sense, to me.

      But all this means is that the original example perhaps doesn’t get at the issue Tony was trying to address. You bring up the problem of having one’s beliefs challenged and how uncomfortable that can be. Maybe this idea actually speaks more to Tony’s point.

      So how do I feel about having my beliefs challenged? I’m really not sure how to answer that. To begin with, I often seek out voices that challenge my beliefs because… well, it just seems like a good idea to do that because otherwise one tends to (or, at least, I tend to) get bogged down in stale, incomplete, or even outright false beliefs. That said, like everyone else I have blind spots and repressed matter that are “emotionally tender points”, buttons a person can press to get me riled up and I don’t even feel like I can stop them. And I suppose these can be categorized as “challenges to my beliefs” if looked at in a particular way.

      So if what upset Tony was that he felt I was challenging his beliefs — and, perhaps more specifically, beliefs he feels particularly vulnerable about — then I guess I can understand why he was upset.

      Sorry, Tony. πŸ™

      • themagicaltalkinghat says:

        For the record, I was not upset. It was a pretty good talk. But I felt that I (and possibly William) were getting a bit emotional, near the end. In checking myself, I realized the cause for my emotional response might be due to my own insecurities/defensiveness at believing that William “disliked” something I “liked.”

        Which began the other discussion… πŸ™‚

        • William says:

          Ah, sorry. Not upset — “emotional” is probably the right word — for how I was feeling as well.

          And, for the record, I like lots of things that are on the Internet and I know full well that only the Internet could have provided them — and I’m even very grateful for that! And, yes, some of those things are things that Tony likes, too. πŸ™‚

    • William says:

      Thanks for attempting to help me understand, by the way, Beth…

  4. Ebomb says:

    How does W’s not taking others’ comments personally make him a freak? I think it might make him a little bit Buddhist, but otherwise I don’t understand what’s so unique about this guy. Maybe it’s an Iowa thing…effing Iowans.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Yeah, we Iowans are an emotional mess. πŸ™‚

    • William says:

      Yes! Ebomb speaks the truth.

      Except… remember, I was born and raised in Iowa. Tony was not. πŸ™‚

      (And I can’t help but note… I know plenty of Iowans who don’t take the comments of others personally. Someone taught me how to be this way, after all! Though I wouldn’t say this kind of stoicism is an “Iowa thing”, it is fairly common to find here, in my observation.)

  5. Mark says:

    Sex Hat anniversary: woo, woo!

    Video game blather: Yawn. Also William, would that “older person” who prefers swords to guns really appreicate being called an “older person”? :p

    Dresden Files: Awesome use to tech to enhance your game. πŸ™‚

    I thought this was a regular episode but then William made the incredibly cynical comment during the bit about bad movies and now I’m wondering if auWilliam somehow replaced our regular/lovable William….

    Though if you truly want to watch an awfully bad movie, you should see Iron Sky (available vis Netflix streaming).

    I disagree with Tony’s position that the internet will not redefine society. I think it is working towards doing exactly that; however without a apocolapyse or some other violent change, it takes a long time for society to change.

    So I think Tony’s point in this podcast is if everybody was like William the world would be a much better place.

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