Episode 16 : Back in my day…

There’s a lot of childhood and nostalgia in this episode, folks.  The cookies our mothers used to make, the miraculous lunch ladies of William’s youth, and a spirited (though, like all our discussions, ultimately pointless) debate on the state of music.


Oh!  And William remembered that he’s actually seen some movies!


Also, the episode climaxes in a violent attack on Tony.  Don’t miss it!


UPDATE:  Azuretalon has been kind enough to ask his mommy for a cookie recipe similar to the one I talk about in this episode.  So here it is for all you lovely cookie-eaters!


Fudge Crinkles

1 package Betty Crocker SuperMoist double chocolate swirl cake mix
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
Powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 350. Stir cake mix (dry), oil and eggs in large bowl,
using spoon, until dough forms.  Dust hands with powdered sugar, shape
dough into 1 inch balls. Coat balls with powdered sugar, place about 2
inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake about 10 minutes or until
set. Cool completely.  About 2 /12 dozen cookies.

I am pretty sure that I used a lemon cake mix, too.


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4 Responses to Episode 16 : Back in my day…

  1. Stuart says:

    Found the perfect app for folk on Android. Pocket Casts. Lets you stream or download episodes and even had you guys listed when I searched for magical.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Sweet! We rock! And I think at least one or two listeners with Android devices. Besides Stu, I mean.

  2. Mick The Knife says:

    If you call us Mad Hatters, you need to call the female listeners Mona Lisas.

    While Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
    Sons of bankers, sons of lawyers
    Turn around and say good morning to the night
    For unless they see the sky
    But they can’t and that is why
    They know not if it’s dark outside or light

  3. Mark says:

    Geez way to offend all the TMNTEFF readers/writers out there!

    Tony: You’ve never seen Oh Brother Where Art Thou?!?! Crivens man, fix that ASAP! Also, congrats on the job.

    William: Tony’s right, you totally need to watch Leverage. Pan “cookies”, really? Those are bar cookies and they suck compared to real cookies. :p

    Most ridiculous recipe for a monster cookie ever: Take the recipe off the back of the nestle chocolate chips bag. Double the amount of chocolate chips. Add an equal amount of M&Ms. Makes 3 cookies.

    How to Convert Cake Mix into Cookie Dough

    What’s wrong with today’s music? Everything. Does that make you an old fogey? Yes, but there’s nothing wrong with being an old fogey.

    I still like “Haberdashers”, but “Hatlings” would be acceptable.

    An easiesr way to crosspost from your site to Facebook is to use RSS.Graffiti. It’s faster than using Facebook’s RSS import and doesn’t require you to use a mobile# or credit card to verify your account.

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